Hitter hot zones and quirks
Do you use hot zone and quirks data ?
I'm starting to use them when playing vs cpu in mini seasons since I'm mostly playing all star or above .
Not sure if it's helping .
If a batter is dead red I only throw off speed stuff in the corners .
I play day or night based on my best player.
First pitch hitters I always throw out of the zone first pitch
I look at catcher pop time and pitcher pick off artist to decide if I'm going to steal . And yes pick off artist will pick you off on a lead off first.Also on hot zones some of them are all red but some squares are darker than others , does the darker red mean it's less or of a hot zone?
maybe I am missing something obvious but how do you see opposing player quirks in game? I turned hotzones off because it cluttered up the strikezone for me but that was about it
Pause the game as if you were going to go to the bullpen , but instead press Y ( xbox) and you'll see their attributes, just go to quirks , right trigger switches to the pitcher . You can akao go to stats and right trigger toggles to the opposing teams players.