Show seasons 🤝 MUT seasons
I’m sitting at 550k and have been grinding since early release. So basically I’m halfway there after 40 days of grinding. I think it’s clear that SDS has adapted MUT’s model for seasons. And so far it’s dead on…Cards look nice when program is dropped but by the time you reach them they are borderline useless. Like other than Rockies TT users who is going to use Trevor Story?….Also - By limiting XP it makes the journey take almost the entire season to earn the bosses, And that’s only if you’re playing & grinding every day. That’s asking alot of people. It’s also going to lead to burnout for many.
I’m enjoying playing the game & I don’t mind the grind personally but I feel long term that most of the player base isn’t going to be grinding for Season 2 and will probably bail on the game sooner rather than later - Again, Just my opinion.
Just an opinion that I happen to agree with 100% it's exactly how I see it as well.
Yep, no lies spoken.
Like yourself I can play a lot, enjoy playing, and most definitely have more time than the average player. And yeah, the xp reward path, while I get why, is just too long for most people to ever reach the choice packs, and if the do, they’ll have to be a wild card. There has to be a way to balance it out
And don't forget we get another round of TA1 CH3 coming.
Oh joy!
Here is a couple things that get me. Btw this is one of the better written out issues not complaints posts on here. Issue 1, SDS over compensates. Last year it was 99 heavy we want to give everyone the ability to compete day 1….they tried hiding the best cards behind pack luck. People saw through it. It also made the game boring by set 3 as multiple players had 99s. So this year let’s go the 100% complete opposite way. Slow crawl and still hide the best cards behind pack luck. Players again are seeing through it.
The other thing I know what to expect from EA. SDS keeps silent about it and doesn’t address issues with the game play just working as intended. Then they’ll come out 4 months from now tell us they realize there was an issue and they’ll fix it. EA is pretty active in communicating with their community. IDK I’m at the point I play to play and once NCAA football hits if their MuT is good I don’t know if I’ll be back
They messed this up by designing an xp path for like the top 5% of players without asking the fundamental question of “who cares”. As in, who cares if a small percentage of our player base get jroll/walker/petite in a few weeks. None of those cards would exactly break the game or even “ruin” power creep, but by gatekeeping them from a tiny minority, they may have cost themselves the majority of their customers come season 2.
@IrishFist412 said in Show seasons
MUT seasons:
I’m sitting at 550k and have been grinding since early release. So basically I’m halfway there after 40 days of grinding.
I'm at about the same spot, and I think I play way more than the average player. I'm almost surprised when I hit a new "gate". It's just so slow to me this year.
I will keep playing. But, I'm sensing that after grinding TA, Season 1, Part 3, I'll fade out somewhat this summer.