Custom League Issues '24
Thanks again @Victor_SDS_PSN . Also just throwing this out there if Online Franchise isn't in the foreseeable future, I am sure hundreds if not thousands of us would pay for a standalone version of Online Franchise as a DLC.. just an idea if its not in the game for 25.
Since we are on the topic of issues for custom leagues, can we please fix the following issue (I dont believe anyone has mentioned this):
When in playoffs, only home teams that play in a dome can change the time of day. If you are playing at home somewhere like NYY, it is defaulted to a day game. We should be able to just select the time always, just like we do in the regular season. This is only an issue in playoffs for teams who do not have a dome. @Victor_SDS_PSN
It's always a pleasure working with you Victor. Please thank the team for these couple of much needed fixes. Although these were much needed there's still a long way to go as there still some major problems that prevent myself and im sure many other league from starting.
- We still can not select any type of uniforms and still shows a different team player standing there on the screen. You have no option at all to select ANY uniform, luckily once in game its the default home uniform if your the home team and the away team gets default road.
- When you pause the game you can clearly see that the team background id not the correct team being used.
- Message boards inside the league shows the incorrect team name for astros and could be a few others as this has been this way sicne 2020. It can be a bit confusing if you dont know about this glitch and what the actual team really was who played.
ERA and WHIPS still show EVEN numbers example 3.00 ERA but actually is 3.78. Been this way for a long time still not fixed.
When you sim games does not display which team or side is actually the HOME or AWAY team usually you would think its team on RIGHT but who knows, anyways regardless when simming it will get wins at home and away in the 3 games you sim etc...
So lets say YANKEES @ ASTROS a 3 game series when simming this clearly you want ASTROS to be the HOME team but when simming it will show HOME 2 wins and AWAY 1 etc or I've even seen 0-2 away home 1-0. I would like the results to be accurate for the standings and when you look at your home and away record be accurate as well. If you play all your games d not sim the home and away is 100% correct but as soon as you sim any game it adds a win to your away record even though you were the home team it is complete random.
M mlbnetworkleague20_MLBTS referenced this topic on
Look how often in April alone your team uniforms were used and in custom leagues we can only use 1.
I know but how hard did we have to beg? It’s dumb!
Our $70 must be different than the DD players $70
@detfan1984 thats true. I actually pre ordered smh never again. And these should be simple things to fix since its already been part of the mode.
Hey Victor when u invite a friend you can play and everything works can change uniforms its a rank online rated.
Players photos show up etc....
Why can't we have it this way in leagues like they work there?
I have found the issues with uniforms and why they stop working.
I will be making a video tomorrow explaing everything and what I have come up with that fixes it.
Until then any commissioners have a mic and are able to chat I'm gladly will show you what I found out.
@MLBNETWORK365 do it in a discord & give me a time I will definitely attend!!!!
After being frustrated and waiting for a update by SDS to adress the uniforms not working in custom leagues I myself know this game pretty well myself. So I decided to take a deeper look at what could be causing the uniforms to not work like they always had on previous games for custom leagues.
I have narrowed down the issue which at first want sure if it was batters, the filter etc. But I continued to test and have in fact found out exactly what the issue is.
Before we begin my fix will NOT work for the regular 40 man leagues. But hopefully SDS developers see this and can adress the issue themselves so no work around is needed.
So the issue is in rotations in the #1 slot in order to get uniforms to work you half to have what I call a "specialty" card always in slot 1. So what has been working is a CAPTAIN card or PIPELINE card. It has to be one link to that specific team your on.
This in fact will let you choose all the other uniforms. Still glitches at times where if the person your playing does not do this method there uniform is locked and will show a different player standing there. Both team owners must have the method I explained done above or both teams uniforms will not be Selectable.
It's still.a issue finding out what specialty card works for each team but usually a captain or pipeline work.
Again this fix you half to create a DD style league but u can still use your live series cards.
We have a few more issues recorded, including the uniform select bug, but at the moment I don't have an ETA on those issues, or which update they could potentially be bundled in. We're doing what we can to get them prioritized, and I will keep everyone updated when I hear more.
Appreciate all the reports and replies.
Only a few months since release. Makes perfect sense.
I see a new update launching tomorrow but nothing about a fix to uniform selection in custom league. Please DO NOT FORGET about US. ive been wanting to use new city connect jerseys in custom leagues.
I surely thought this would be for us league guys and we could finally get our leagues going and be enjoyable. This is starting to get beyond frustrating playing the waiting game. Now it's waiting another 2 weeks and were 10 patches in and by then it's June! Beyond pissed off at this point!
After simming all the games it doesn’t let u back in the league..why is this happening?
@Victor_SDS why after simming games it doesn’t let u back in the league..?
That's how 23 got for me last august in two of my leagues I loss two league slots because of that not letting me back in my leagues -
You guys still play on ps4?
Any update if patch 11 will be when blue jays uniforms are added? Will we finally get to choose correct uniforms?
It's almost June 1st and tired of waiting.