MLB the Show 24: Custom League Issues 3/15/24 - 4/21/24 Not Fixed
the last thread WOW!
All in custom league issues since March 15th and still none of the 5 patches have addressed any of them.
- Team stats do not show up at all.
- Can't sim any games at all. The commissioner can't sim games keeps giving error message about invalid lineups.
- On the matchup screens it shows different teams for both sides than what the actual 2 teams should be. It's usually showing other teams in the teams division.
Our league owner is red sox but in matchup screen shows him as the Yankees.
Our Dodgers owner shows padres uniform.
I myself use the Astros and it has me as the Brewers.
Our dbacks owner has him as the rockies.
Can't change uniforms at all to anything like previous years.
Can't step out at all at the plate at all and this would always help us determine what kind of connection our games are having.
Step out right away game is fine.
Push DPAD to step out but takes 3 pushes means game has a bad connection both owners agree to do a friendly quit and reboot there system this usually helps fix the issue and there next try the game is smooth.-
during game play the player stats is not matching what's under player stats in the main menu of custom league player stats.
Audio is saying players are getting there first carrer win and these are veteran pitchers.
Audio is also saying players are from inaccurate locations than where there really born or on there player card.
Please help the custom league community!!!! We deserve bug fixes!!
The leagues not working is extremely frustrating. We can’t start out league yet because the custom leagues are not playable. A couple of minor things have be fixed. But a number of major things have been broken from day one. Pleas get the custom leagues fixed.
Here are some images and YouTube links to show whats going on and been going on since Pre-launch March 15, 2024.
Video Proof:
IMAGE PROOF: - When you pause the game u can see its different teams than what your using and changes based on the player you put into the game.
Players have no potraits at all in custom leagues now -
This image shows whats been in a league issue since 2020 to never get fixed. See in the middle where it shows what teams played who? Most teams show correct team but me as the Astros always says I am the ANGELS.
More players with no portraits showing up in custom leagues but they work offline.
Please fix custom leagues because every time I load the uniform screen. It shows that I am the Yankees. When I should be the Boston Red Sox. Also team stats don't show up correctly on the team stats screen.
Patch 7 still leagues not mentioned. I know Victor made a post saying there working on it. I surely though next update leagues would be first on the list. Nope! Not even 1 thing addressed at all?
My league is based off the real 2024 MLB season and already behind 30 games and counting going to take forever to catchup. We are missing our on key moments and dates already.
Seoul Series
Opening Day 24
Jackie Robinson Day
Mexico City SeriesBefore u know it mothers day will be here.
When simming games did work theirs no true wayvtelking upu or saying who the home team is, but one would assume it's the team on the left on that screen. I have simmed games I the past Esther side but it doesn't give the correct team the correct wins at home or away. Please see examples.
Let's say it's MARLINS vs. METS and its a 4 game series. Now METS would be the home team obviously.
So I pick who I want to win or even random winner but let's just say for argument the METS win all 4 at home. So the issue is and always has been since 2020 if u look at the standings it will show METS home and away record as something like below. Standings numbers are correct but it never shows correct HOME or AWAY unless all games are played and none simmed.
3-1When clearly it should be
0-0 -
After being frustrated and waiting for a update by SDS to adress the uniforms not working in custom leagues I myself know this game pretty well myself. So I decided to take a deeper look at what could be causing the uniforms to not work like they always had on previous games for custom leagues.
I have narrowed down the issue which at first want sure if it was batters, the filter etc. But I continued to test and have in fact found out exactly what the issue is.
Before we begin my fix will NOT work for the regular 40 man leagues. But hopefully SDS developers see this and can adress the issue themselves so no work around is needed.
So the issue is in rotations in the #1 slot in order to get uniforms to work you half to have what I call a "specialty" card always in slot 1. So what has been working is a CAPTAIN card or PIPELINE card. It has to be one link to that specific team your on.
This in fact will let you choose all the other uniforms. Still glitches at times where if the person your playing does not do this method there uniform is locked and will show a different player standing there. Both team owners must have the method I explained done above or both teams uniforms will not be Selectable.
It's still.a issue finding out what specialty card works for each team but usually a captain or pipeline work.
Again this fix you half to create a DD style league but u can still use your live series cards.
Would the team be able to use or take what I stumbled on and fix custom leagues uniforms issue now?
Issue is in slot 1 of rotations and tied to FLASHBACK CARDS like captain or pipeline etc. There has to be some issue code or something with slot 1 of the rotation. Not sure with regular leagues 40 man live because u can't have legend or flashbacks in there, but DD leagues u can snd this fixes all uniforms and display problems I've recently shown.