Perfect/Perfect Foul Ball
How does that even happen? A ball hit perfectly should be fair, no?
Didn’t think that was possible but whatever. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yeah, something with hitting isn't right this year. Also when perfect hits go to the opposite field it's absurd to me and very awkward looking.
No. If it did I would have video. And most likely upload on here.
It was probably out of the zone thats why
I had a perfect perfect go foul. I also had a good okay with the perfect sound and graphics go foul. I honestly think the game changes the outcome of the ball and your swing feedback based on the situation of the game.
I hit a perfect perfect liner to left field that changed to late okay after the left fielder caught the ball first time I've seen that
@HonkyKong2115 said in Perfect/Perfect Foul Ball:
I hit a perfect perfect liner to left field that changed to late okay after the left fielder caught the ball first time I've seen that
Yes! Thats what im talking about
Yea I honestly think the output they are giving isn’t what the input is. Like I think those early squared ul hRs are actually perfects. I think they changed something with there hitting algorithm and it’s spitting out incorrect outputs. So it’s kind of a catch 22 because people aren’t getting the results they want from the outputs they are seeing but I think it’s just not what there input was. They need to fix it at some point.
It’s even messing with the cameras and broadcasters like the camera begins to pan out like it does on a no doubter that doesn’t stay on the batter and then it’s like it does a weird glitch on the screen and the ball like slows down and drops. Happen on a good squared I had on a hanging slider with acuna it like ripped off the bat like on a HR path an the camera panned our quick and then the ball just stopped and it got caught on the warning track. I enjoy the game always have and even with the buggs I just deal with it and grind events cause can still get easy good rewards and losses don’t matter so don’t stress when u lose on [censored] but I’d like to see this adressses cause there is something going on, I don’t think I’m the only one to noticed those things.