Why We Have *Extreme* Monents In TA
.....because we either get a watered down Extreme Program, or none at all this year!
Because they've given us more than enough ways to do TA quickly....extreme is for the people who wanna do it just a little quicker.
They have given us multiple ways of completing TA2… you don’t have to do the extreme moments.
I do one division at a time starting with NL west (Giants Fan) so I’ve only done NL West and it took just two times but it’s a pitching one so I’m always better pitching than hitting.
I like that option of the extreme moments.
I think they're great and if people can't complete them, they don't have to. With the exception of the giant conquest that is completely not worth doing, I think they did a great job on chapter 2.
@TheGoaler said in Why We Have *Extreme* Monents In TA:
.....because we either get a watered down Extreme Program, or none at all this year!
This was the point I was trying to make!
Since so much was taken away and nerfed, I expect no program this year.
I like the challenge they give as well. I did half. These were all I did game-wise, yesterday. -
It’s the only fun program. You can actually earn cards that can’t just be substituted for a 40k pack from the market. I’m sure 95% of forum dwellers will take this as an absolute W. The less content the better! The more packs the best! I wanna play the menus the game is to hard with all the big meanies that score runs against me.