Dynamic Challenges...Wording is ambiguous
Does anyone know how to successfully complete the challenge that says something like “execute your pitch on time...” and then something else. I have no idea what they mean.
It means you need to use the pitching interface/minigame properly to release the pitch on time.
Depending on what pitching interface you're using, you need to time the execution of the pitch perfectly. On Analog and Meter, this means you need to time the point at which you release the pitch so that it's on the line/target. For Pulse, it means you need to press the button when the circle is as small as possible. You don't need to be "perfect", but you can't be way off.
If you're using directional pitching (or whatever it's called), the challenge is useless to you because there's no minigame to time properly.
Thanks man
Thanks for the Q&A.