Pack and packs
I mean not totally defending SDS, it sucks with all these packs, and I wish there were ways to earn them, I think knowing how they usually operate I would suspect they’ll make them earn-able somewhere. However, for years people have come to this forum and just bragged about being NMS and making millions on flips, eventually they’re going to want some money too, realistically they’ve really only made a lot on launch night with the collections and then after that occasional stub sale. Why do you think we keep losing big legends, these things cost money. I get it, I want to be evened out a little bit too, packs and programs, but I also understand there is a business to it.
@Jcassaro44 said in Pack and packs:
However, for years people have come to this forum and just bragged about being NMS and making millions on flips, eventually they’re going to want some money too.
Why does this entitle them to make even more money by being scummy and greedy?
Their primary focus should be making a fun enjoyable product people will want to buy.
Their primary goal is to sell as many games as they can.Their primary focus and goal should NOT be to suck ppl in to spend even more money on stubs.
Who cares if Chad made 5 mil stubs flipping cards for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week.
They also shouldn't have bots set up to reduce the amount of stubs ppl can make. It's supposed to be a player run market without their outside interference.
@Shauwn said in Pack and packs:
SDS listened, heard, and lurked these forums like Gollum. Instead of choosing to admit they were wrong, and offering one of those season awards packs in the new program, they decided to give us all the big middle finger while laughing like Gollum when he finally got hos precious back.
But what happened to Gollum shortly after? He fell into a sea of lava and perished,, along with his precious....
SDS, stop being scumbags
I noticed last year they gave us the finger a few times. We are barely into this year and they have already given it to us more than last year. I should have taken the clue at the end of the early release stream when one of the staff said the first thing they were going to do was beat up on some goons in ranked. Sigh. I used to stick up for this game - what have you done to me SDS? What?!? I'm not even tempted to buy any packs this year...and that is weird for me.
@crash447 said in Pack and packs:
I'm sorry, but is a new conquest map really "new content".
Yes, If it has different goals and rewards then it is new content.
BR is the same each time with new rewards each refresh
Ranked Seasons is the same each time with new rewards.
Mini Seasons is the same......
Well, you get the picture. If a new conquest map is not content then neither is any of the other modes.
I should have taken the clue at the end of the early release stream when one of the staff said the first thing they were going to do was beat up on some goons in ranked.
That made me cry laughing. Beat up on some goons. Maybe beat up on 8 yr olds at 100 ranked or less. Those guys suck at their own game. I doubt anyone plays ranked, if they do, I highly doubt none are at 700 and above.
So I think they did so much better last year with packs in programs to give people a chance to get the cards without using real money, then in TA 2 they give you one pack per division from Seoul, spring break out right but you can't sell them with is stupid because if I've already paid money and collected them in season 1 collections now I'm stuck with two cards, Smh come on now SDS you put a xp cap so people couldn't get the best cards so fast to keep it even right, well now the people who don't have money to spend on this game are screwed over because they have no way of getting the high diamonds. Last thing you took the Captain packs away to soon some people didn't even get a chance to BUY capts which is a joke in itself. Sorry for the rant guys be we deserve better for sure.
@Shauwn do what now, what do you mean bots making sure we don't make to many stubs, is that for real. I think it's garbage that alot if these cards are non sell like the TA 2 packs they give alot of people have already collected them and now are gonna be stuck with to. I agree with you
on if someone wants to sell all their cards flip cards whatever they wanna do to make stubs should be allowed play our way right what a joke SDS, I just realized the other day that all the most of good equipment for rtts you can't buy on market at all and if you pay 15000 stubs to get a diamond equipment pack and pull sat trouts cleats can't sell them. It boils down to greed by SDS.