Account Reset? 4/4/24
@xxfrystealerxx im on the same page as you its not okay. ive lost everything as well and i even had my account linked and still couldnt recover anything. last night when this happened my team and all was still on the companion app but when i woke up everything was gone. luckily i screen recorded all my progress so i have some type of proof but many arent as fortunate
mlb the show is my job... f'ck you sds
@msquared69 yeah all we can do at this point is hope they can restore it or offer us a refund, those are really the only 2 options in my mind
I am frustrated myself… but jeez. Of course it will get fixed.
I just noticed that though my stubs, and the progress I have made are not on in the game they are on the app. BUT, my username on the console, my real username has Zero and the username I now have on the app with the correct information actually has an extra character at the end of it example: my real username, the one with zero, ends with "fans1". The username on the companion app, with my stubs, etc. Ends with "fans1!". I hope they fix this and make it worth the wait. I can't log in with this username as everything is tied in with my email address. I tried to do it and Playstation says there is already an account with that email address.
@redsnbengalsfan1 did you make a new username for the app? I wonder how come they are different
@xxfrystealerxx no, I did not. Good question. Everything I had was on my correct username, not this one.
So I downloaded the ps4 version and all of my stuff is there somehow but not on the ps5 version. Now I just need to figure out how to transfer it over if possible anyone know how to do that
@Bi99O_Walnutz88 when you went to relink your accounts did it say both had 0 stubs?
I re linked my account but when you enter in the code both said 0 stubs, I went back to the link page and clicked PlayStation icon and it showed my actual account. I’m mind blown they could even pull this off
@msquared69 Mine said 0 and 777? WTF? I had like 170K. How did it go to 777?
I didn’t relink any account. I literally just downloaded the ps4 version and all my stuff was like it should be but the ps5 version still shows I got nothing
@MoneyManMike55 dont think so what?
@DSummers- meaning when you clicked the PS icon it pulled up your original account? Cuz that is not working for me either
from MLB THE SHOW TWITTER just a few mins ago :We are working diligently to restore progress to the accounts that were affected by the issue reported this morning. Thank you for your ongoing patience.
@xxfrystealerxx Yeah so I didn’t want to click the 2 accounts with 0 after I entered in the code so I backed out of that and tried to sign in through PSN and then it popped up my actual account and the one with 0 stubs. I clicked my actual account but still nothing on console. App/dashboard has everything tho
@K9_21owl well it's at least some form of update I suppose
A reply to my ticket says my account progress hasnt been lost which is
@DSummers- I'm not sure how to do the code, I've been clicking the "sign in" button next to the code line but it just pops up with both accounts at 0. If I logout of that and login to the PSN account then it puts me in the "new" account with everything reset so yeah, no fix for me I guess
@GuyIncognito55 at least you got a reply