missing stubbs
8k stubbs ( I know , no biggy) I bought a thing. the thing wasn't there and I didn't get my Stubb's back. this was over a week ago. I didn't open a ticket and won't be doing so. thanks for listening.
Aim higher. I am missing a million stubs from the voucher
Did you buy something or did you simply put an order in? If you put an order in and you cancel the order you will get your stubs back, otherwise you have to wait for your order to be filled to get the card.
@Tylerslikewhoa yea me too
@romeischillin I had an order for something that went through. didn't receive item, Stubb's gone.
check your inventory for what you put an order in for and should be there
if not file a ticket
Apr 2, 2024, 4:33 PM
Apr 2, 2024, 10:11 PM