Haha comical
Just playing an event game to pass some time. Winning 1-0 bottom second. Guy his a slider from garret with Olsen is early with OK contact it goes down the foul line and turns back in and hits the pole, ive never laughed so hard. I followed that up in the top of the third down 2-1 now with a good ok contact that was a millimeter right of center with Lindor for a lazy middle of center field out, then a good good sliding outfield catch with Justin turner on a lefty. Can’t make this stuff up anymore
@domdw99 said in Haha comical:
Just playing an event game to pass some time. Winning 1-0 bottom second. Guy his a slider from garret with Olsen is early with OK contact it goes down the foul line and turns back in and hits the pole, ive never laughed so hard. I followed that up in the top of the third down 2-1 now with a good ok contact that was a millimeter right of center with Lindor for a lazy middle of center field out, then a good good sliding outfield catch with Justin turner on a lefty. Can’t make this stuff up anymore
Lindor has a lot less power than Olson so that's not that surprising... I'm not sure there's a problem here...
I’m not saying he should have hit a home run just saying how does a hanging slider that’s pretty close to squared up end up a lazy fly ball. Haha I’m not mad just think it’s funny.
@domdw99 said in Haha comical:
I’m not saying he should have hit a home run just saying how does a hanging slider that’s pretty close to squared up end up a lazy fly ball. Haha I’m not mad just think it’s funny.
Well in all fairness that happens all the time in real life...
Had a feeling your next comment would be “real life”
To make an argument always in these chats that “happens in real baseball” is kinda worthless when more then half the things that do happen in this VIDEO GAME arnt like real life. I like this game a lot def has is downsides more then upsides right now but just a few patches a fixes away. I was just stating how the hr was funny and how my guys just got robbed right after on a lot better contact.
@domdw99 said in Haha comical:
To make an argument always in these chats that “happens in real baseball” is kinda worthless when more then half the things that do happen in this VIDEO GAME arnt like real life. I like this game a lot def has is downsides more then upsides right now but just a few patches a fixes away. I was just stating how the hr was funny and how my guys just got robbed right after on a lot better contact.
Well when those things that happen are like real life, don't complain about it... Move on
Bro go troll ur real life quotes somewhere else. If u want real life then assuming that the wind is what caused the Olsen HR to go about 3 feet foul then causally come back in to hit the pull then my lindor hit would have blown further away and got into the gap on the OF not gone dead straight. Also if u wanna talk physics a ball that’s pulled early having a spin that would cause it to turn back after already going foul while in air would prob not plausible. But that’s real life right.
Also in real life a teams check swings would account for 99% ball calls correct? And 90% of balls on the black and that catch the plate would be all balls correct? Just stop with real baseball man it doesn’t work in here. Yes they are getting close but it’s not an argument.
I hear a violin playing
Haha imagine only coming on the forum to find anyone who says something and commenting “that’s real life”. Check ur profile and that’s all you do. Fun life
Haha and then when someone calls u out and gives facts of how u can’t use that an an argument you say “I hear a violin playing” how pathetic. I wasn’t even complaining about the game just posted something I thought was funny that I’m sure more ppl have experienced.
I’m all for having a detailed factual argument, but come on bud do better.
Why do you keep commenting on your own posts?
Why are u still in here to read it ?
@domdw99 said in Haha comical:
Haha imagine only coming on the forum to find anyone who says something and commenting “that’s real life”. Check ur profile and that’s all you do. Fun life
Done that probably 3 times in hundreds of posts. You like to make it personal pretty much immediately huh? Even went as far to check my profile... Creepy.
Maybe you didn't mean this thread as a "complain about anything" thread but I took it as one, and I'll admit, I get cheeky with dumb threads that offer nothing. My bad. Enjoy your day.
Can a mod lock this thread?