Mini Seasons Repeatable XP
It’s not an exploit there has to be another way to get xp this is a pointless post
@xElRojo44x said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
Regardless, you can only earn 15k reward XP in an 18 hour timeframe or so, regardless of where it comes from.
I dont think thats true. I'm pretty sure XP cap is only for gameplay XP, you can earn as reward XP as you want.
@allday9128 said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
@xElRojo44x said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
Regardless, you can only earn 15k reward XP in an 18 hour timeframe or so, regardless of where it comes from.
I dont think thats true. I'm pretty sure XP cap is only for gameplay XP, you can earn as reward XP as you want.
Yea i could be wrong too but i was gonna say same thing also, isnt that how folks are sitting at extremely high XP at the moment? 600, 700, 800k?
I could be wrong, but I don’t think that XP was meant to be repeatable. Usually reward XP is attainable once. Right?
When I say "only 15k reward XP" I am referring to the "Season 1 XP Reward Path".Are you saying that we can earn unlimited Season 1 Reward Path XP?
@xElRojo44x said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
When I say "only 15k reward XP" I am referring to the "Season 1 XP Reward Path".Are you saying that we can earn unlimited Season 1 Reward Path XP?
I think he’s referring to the one time rewards you earn for “3 wins”, “ 8 wins”, “13 wins”, etc etc… vs the repeatable rewards like “season 1 dubs”, “playoff bound” etc etc.
@lckdb it was available all mlb 23, but due to no content now they feel they have to protect their lack of content.
This limiting of xp gains is actively pushing players like myself away from the game.
If it can be cheaped out on, they did it. -
Got it. That makes since. And yes, I just started a new Mini-Season and noticed this also.That is a bummer.... However in the end, it just means you have to play longer to get to your 15k XP Reward Path cap... Which is unfortunately too low anyway.
If the XP Reward Path cap was higher, then this Mini-Seasons change would be even more of a bummer
@lckdb said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
They had to close this out (although I am bummed as I was about to complete my 5th season). It’s 100% the reason people already have 97 Kyle Seager.
Exactly what i was saying in my first post. People were cheating and exploiting XP. We all know who was doing it here in these forums too. I got most of em on block
but that's besides the point. This game i just don't know anymore honestly how much more i can take
@Bearsfan217 Replaying a mode that is meant to be replayed is not "exploiting" or "cheating". Good gravy. It was not meant to be repeatable. It was. People noticed and did it. Even without the bonus XP, MS is probably still the best XP method (certainly if you don't have +, GP, or NSO), so it's not like they were doing an activity that they wouldn't have been doing anyway. There SHOULD be a repeatable XP mission somewhere. Most people are not going to do everything, which SDS apparently thinks is how people play. Online people hate offline and vice versa. This has always been true. This is absolutely the least "play how you want" the game has been in years. Probably since '18.
This blows honestly I really wish it would be repeatable
@mietha yea but ppl were unfortunately purposely exploiting the repeatable XP that wasn't supposed to be, who would otherwise wouldn't be playing miniseasons and you and i both know that...
@xElRojo44x said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
Got it. That makes since. And yes, I just started a new Mini-Season and noticed this also.That is a bummer.... However in the end, it just means you have to play longer to get to your 15k XP Reward Path cap... Which is unfortunately too low anyway.
If the XP Reward Path cap was higher, then this Mini-Seasons change would be even more of a bummer
I’m about to start my second mini season. I just have the use central players and I’ll be done. I’m sure I’ll get them both at 100% before the season is complete.
They really are doing everything they can to make people not want to play the game. Really interesting strategy.
SDS Gratz -- You are now in the same company as EA and 2K ( not a good thing BTW )
I hope the money is worth what your doing to the players cause you are flushing all the good will you have earned over the many years of this game with every poor decision you have been making as of late. What might be coming next could be painful but you reap what you sow -- again hope it was worth it.
Info for the players who agree with me --- I have reached out to a popular gaming news site and it's possible they will shine a light on SDS and this behavior towards the players.
@xElRojo44x said in Mini Seasons Repeatable XP:
When I say "only 15k reward XP" I am referring to the "Season 1 XP Reward Path".Are you saying that we can earn unlimited Season 1 Reward Path XP?
Yeah pretty much. The 15k cap is only for XP you get for actually playing the game, it doesn't count any XP you get from rewards.
So say you're play a BR game and you finish the game and get 1000 XP from the game you play and you hit 25 stars in the BR program in that game and you get the 3000 xp Reward, so you'll have received 4000 XP. But only the 1000 XP from the game will count towards the cap.
@blitz77tw hit me up, I made a thread yesterday about how it felt like Madden and 2k, I've been playing this game since 16 the show. So I have a lot to say.