Gameplay realism left to chance and figures.
Playing 22 and 23 versions of The Show in franchise or any mode that doesnt involve cheese vs , was like watching Andy Griffith Show . You seen the plot so many times you knew the monologue. I have yet to play 24 . But like other forms of non intelligent being I will.
The cause of the game veering away from natural flow is the engine is confused by the static reasoning of moments and story lines and fairy tale situations that marketing stubbs requires . Its infectefed to the point it dont know whether it is a Baseball game or As the World Turns or General Hospital. Therefor we baseball realistics get a product resembling a Disney cartoon .
Good luck on 24 it’s the worst yet. I’m going 4 for 14 online on goods. They did something with update 3 that changed up the hitting. You’ll play someone that swings at everything and they will completely miss and blast the ball. It’s comically bad after update 3
Online play is usually similar to baseball in the comparison that it calls itself baseball. The fact that situation are invented int the program running with diffferent options all varying from each other makes batting averages meaingless . May as well bplaying dungeons and dragons . Stats and rating are broken in Diamond Dynasty Player hits by how much his card worth
Now before anyone accuses me of needing to git gud, i never said you cant beat it. Just saying its ruining the game. History is fine but some want to make it not rehash it continuously
I have played 14 games vs CPU and witnessed one error . 1 error and probably 600 diving miraculous plays that shame Cooperstown immortals. Its all broken Diamond Dynasty is a scam fellas . Any of it in question makes all of it in question whenit comes to stats and recrds it has to be accurate or its simply doo do
My brain hurts from reading these. I'm going to bed.