- We can't change our jerseys
- There is no Team stats available
- Game management to sim / reset games is only available when no one’s in a game.
- It would be nice to add League Leaders to make things more interesting.
- We would love a fantasy draft feature as we’ve been manually hosting draft via spreadsheets & websites to then have to trade all the players to their respected teams. Its a lot of work & The Show is the only Sports title that doesn't have a draft.
- Message board seems to be broken. Last year, when loading into a lg, message board would start off w the latest league messages/news/activity. This year, it starts at the top of the board, making us have to scroll all the way down to view latest league news/messages.
- Impossible to run multiple seasons in a fantasy draft league due to slow loading times after the first season. Ive noticed that the main reason behind it is all the traffic created in the message board via all the draft trades / games played etc. after 1 season. Would be nice if the message board would reset / clear itself every X amount of messages.