lost diamond dynasty progress
my rtts progress is still there but DD an stubs are wiped
Yup same thing, mini seasons game crashed after winning and all my stuff is gone
@chuckoakland everything attached to the console is still there. Looks like it's a fault in the MLBTS accounts. Console save files are intact, PS account trophies are there. Everything attached to MLBTS account is gone.
SDS better get on this.. Hell of a way to show that they care by taking all the time in the world to address the issue. I guess, I will go try out Rebirth now that its back.... rather not but.. waiting game now
just happened to me as well I'm pressed
Happened to me not to long ago. They need to fix this!
Same all my stubs and progress completely gone.. got sent to a new terms a reset to a fresh start. No players nothing shows online and all the accounts have been unlinked. Ugh I don't want to start over. It was working just a ew hours ago.
so I was in the middle of a conquest game and then suddenly I am off line and my entire account is down to zero stubs. All my online progress, packs, pre-order bonus everything gone. All the way back to MLB the show 21. All gone for every game since then. Didn't check 20 yet.
@L-Cap-E-Tan There are way too many of us screwed atm they need to fix it.. I am not restarting all over, no thank you.
Lost all my progress on the game they better get this fixed , I’m filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau this company is ridiculous
Happened to me as well. I know this may Seem stupid but my 4yo worked for hours creating a logo and jerseys and now it’s all gone. I care less about my progress, what pisses me off is all the work that boy put in and he’s devastated it’s gone.
@Sngambit- MLB 20 servers shut down didn't they? I guess it makes sense for it to happen in other games though if it's an issue with the MLBTS accounts
Happened to me too. I already committed to never touching this game or any future games from SDS if it’s not remedied fast.
@mp1connolly Good call, I am going to do the same.. this is just plan stupid.. I am not willing to recommit to the grind , hours and hope to pull all the cards on my squad back..
signing into 20 right now. Everything for it is still there, so it is definitely a network thing.
I've never created and MLBTS account seems like everyone has one but me with this issue I hope they sort this out because i'm not happy
Just logged in, there’s absolutely anything in my account
@quiquenator_2 so you weren’t even on and you’re affected? I figured it was only people that were actively on when whatever happened happened.
I think it's an issue with accounts being unlinked. I had my Playstation account linked to my MLBTS account here on the website, and then when I went to check again the accounts were unlinked. I had to relink my PS account, and then restart the app on my PS5 for it to give me everything I had back.
@ezmoney0330 I just logged in and nothing. No team no progress at all.