We need more ways to earn cards
@Easy_Duhz_It_ xp being limited and if you get to 250 innings you stop getting the points from innings played. It’s designed this year to be a slow grind. Not everyone wants to play conquest and other modes to get packs.
I think they could really benefit from some sort of specific single game stat missions to chase every time you play in either ranked or online. Basically everything kind of gets throw into a big blob called PXP which isn’t as satisfying.
Repeatable missions like 5000 xp for Two HRS with one player in a game or hitting for the cycle, or for a complete game shut out would just make things a lot more fun from a game to game basis.
I still think the Griffey program was the most fun program, was 4/4 with 2 HRS hard? yeah, but you were trying every game to get it and it made every game fun.
There should 100% be a huge bonus for breaking any career stat missions with one player through the year as well. Just things to make it more fun. The content isn’t terrible, but they could do better. Rookie to HOF cards could get brought back but take months to achieve and be a lot of fun to grind out for your favourite player.
OP this maybe a issue that is more you then the game, looking at your past post you have made a post at the launch week of each game dating back to 20 about how there is not enough content. If you are burning through everything in 3 to 7 days nothing SDS can do when they design content to last 1 to 2 weeks for the average player.
250 innings is almost 28 full 9 inning games. Where the hell would anyone find enough hours in the week to be concerned with hitting that cap? The ranked program is for another 3 weeks and in case you dfidnt notice, the second wave of missions will be dropping next Friday.
Maybe they just want their players to get some sunlight once in awhile. Im sure you'll survive only playing 4 games a day for the next 7 days.
@AstrosJake said in We need more ways to earn cards:
@Shauwn said in We need more ways to earn cards:
@Dodgers1876 said in We need more ways to earn cards:
Remember the master stat missions? Polo Grounds was essential to grind triples lol.
I remember there was one year (2017?) where there were 3 boss players and the path to get them was RIDICULOUS. At the time I hated it and thought it was too much, but I wish it could come back lol
Yes sir! Polo Grounds was a life saver! Every other classic stadium was like 1200 stubs. Polo Grounds hit 20k
I think a year or two later is when they made Polo Grounds the full collected stadium reward.
Remember the Immortal 99 cards? Those were by far the most difficult cards to get in any MLB game, if u played normally. We'd have a cpl hundred ppl in our discord group just to try and match up with one another to grind everything needed to unlock those cards.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ if you can’t see that this is being done so people will dump money into stubs I don’t know what to tell you. Thy capped this stuff for a reason.
@MauserExtractor People blowing money on stubs are idiots. They give you a ton of free [censored] and pretty much all the packs they charge 20K for right now will be free in later programs and conquest rewards.
You arent being forced to buy anything. if you're the need "I need that shiny new toy right now this minute" type, go ahead and waste your money. Those of us in it for the long haul can wait for the free drops.
@NAPage11 said in We need more ways to earn cards:
@AstrosJake it’s not controversial, it’s just wrong. There’s plenty of cards you can only earn via playing the released content.
Let’s add it up roughly:
14 or so cards via story lines
30 from TA part 1
6ish from conquest
1 from mini seasons
B G O from season 1 collectionsThis isn’t even including the guys along the xp path.
Out of all those cards, only a handful are good enough to actually use competitively, excluding the 99's of course.
Just look at the top streamers teams. How many are using multiple cards from any of the content like the TA series, and xp path? Who over 700 ranked is using Ryan Howard and Sutter? The only 3 cards not rated 99 I like in the xp path is Napoli, Story, and Fingers. The rest are cheeks.There are some decent starter team cards, but most are live series with a few TA and full collections.
Meaning, the main reason I'm grinding these programs is primarily for the collections. -
@Shauwn Then do what the streamers do to get extra cards?
I guess I don’t understand what the complaint is about any of the cards available or the collections. Last year apparently everyone bitched about how easy people to get cards, this year they’re bitching about how hard it is. Truthfully, I hate the way they are doing the live series collection this year, but I’ve enjoyed the team affinity grind much more this year.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ jeez buddy. I’m just pointing out what I see. Play the game how you want while you still can.
@NAPage11 said in We need more ways to earn cards:
@AstrosJake it’s not controversial, it’s just wrong. There’s plenty of cards you can only earn via playing the released content.
Let’s add it up roughly:
If in a week youve managed to play all story lines, finish USA conquest, finish all the TAs to 100%, and ran through 1 mini season for Salvy…
TA in the past was meant to be a passive grind, that you work on while completing other things. Not the main one.
I think its just that the spring breakout program was far too quick to complete.
Look at all the content the world baseball classic got last year, and then compare that to the spring breakout.
Granted WBC is a bigger event, but for the launch program Spring Breakout felt lacking.Its still early and maybe they have something WBC sized planned for opening day, but my fear is they caved to the people who moaned last year about too much content.
Perhaps a good solution is to not make the top card the last reward. Add a second, longer, layer of grind (can bring back the individual player missions for this) that gives things choice packs as rewards. This lets the online focused players get their cards at a faster pace while still giving the offline players something to work towards
@MauserExtractor jeez buddy. I was just pointing out the flaws in your comment.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ no flaws in my argument. no stubs or xp to be gained if you only play ranked and don’t flip. Kinda makes it hard to complete collections. Needs to be repeatable missions to gain packs as stated above.
First week of the ranked program gets you to 15.
Thats 7 standard packs and a Jumbo pack (68 total cards)
The McCutchen card
A miilionaire card
4500 stubs
A BIAH pack
10,000 xp in rewards pathOn top of that you get xp and stubs for playing the games. Talk about feeling entitled to something for nothing. How much more free stuff do you need? No other sports game on the market today says "Here....take all this stuff just for playing the game. And oh yeah, we're randomly gonna drop free diamonds or packs in the shop once in awhile. FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON."
By the way, you know whats gonna make it hard to complete collections? Not doing team affinity by earning bulk points in conquest or showdowns. Relying solely on playing ranked to run through all that when chapters 1 and 2 do expire is a fools errand.
MauserExtractorwrote on Mar 23, 2024, 5:25 PM last edited by MauserExtractor_PSN Mar 23, 2024, 5:27 PM
lol only thing worth anything in what you just said is the McCutchen card. I can’t even believe you brought up the millionaire pack like that’s something and oh boy I get a lot of bronze and commons out of my jumbo and show packs. It’s nowhere near the content we got last year at launch and I don’t know what to tell you if you think this is ok. It’s literally being drip fed to you and you’re lapping it up like a dog.
Here is the main issue, the xp cap is actually killing all momentum on the program. But you can get a 12 core cards from the br program plus 3 high diamonds. But the lack of pace in the program is hampering it. SDS seems like their lost
@beanball0571 the cards from BR program are S1
@NAPage11 said in We need more ways to earn cards:
@AstrosJake it’s not controversial, it’s just wrong. There’s plenty of cards you can only earn via playing the released content.
Let’s add it up roughly:
14 or so cards via story lines
30 from TA part 1
6ish from conquest
1 from mini seasons
B G O from season 1 collectionsThis isn’t even including the guys along the xp path.
If in a week youve managed to play all story lines, finish USA conquest, finish all the TAs to 100%, and ran through 1 mini season for Salvy…
Then I think you might just play too much. Don’t be shidding on the game saying it has a lack of content if all you’ve done for 24 hours a day is chew through the launch content.
@AstrosJake if you have all those cards already; you can still get a bunch from Ranked and BR.