Best way to get rookie cards for someone new to DD.
I see everyone playing with rookies and they look awesome. Really want to try some out, just curious how to acquire them. Any suggestions on the best way? Thanks for any input.
I assume you mean the prospect cards. most of the diamonds are available in prospect packs which aren't available to buy right now. But there's 30 gold prospect cards in the team affinity programs at 25 stars.
On the off chance you actually mean Rookie, there's a few in the shop, and a few are team collections, but I doubt you're hyped for 2002 Mark Prior for some reason
If you mean the prospect cards, there are gold players part of the team affinities and then there’s diamond ones that are in packs/marketplace
Go to inventory, switch to flashbacks/legends, press triangle for the player youre interested in, tab over to how you can get said card.