These stadiums are a disgrace to this beautiful baseball sim
yes, I talk about shield woods in special and all the other stadiums, where you just to put your pci anywhere near the ball to make it go off into orbit randomly
Honestly … you can put those stadiums in the game, but make a „fun mode“ for all those „I like runs-I don‘t care“-people …
It ist really annoying and really a disgrace to your beautiful baseball sim.
Thanks for listening
I just started the Negro League moments this morning. Those parks look good. Making stadiums that play like you're on the moon just shows the base the developers are aiming for. I'm honestly waiting for them to add wall building like Fortnite. With the right captain card you can build a 200ft wall to knock down no doubters.
Play on the moon or in the dark with cards that don't deserve their attributes. Sounds fun right?
Watch Twitch and YouTube. Almost all of them play Shield Woods. I changed my team name to Shield Woods Is For Scrubs. I love making these guys rage quit because I’m hitting 300 foot homeruns 80mph off the bat.
@YOSHI24 no wants to play at forbes and play 2-1 ball games. Its December. Did you not play when Shippett rained supreme?
@Dookie-Possum if shield woods is fir scrubs, why do the games best diamond dynasty (top 50) players play there?? Surely you would best them at your home stadium then right?
Shield Woods is for the people who don't have a Next Gen console or play exclusively on Nintendo switch so if you don't like it don't play there, I personally like laughing mountain park but I also like shield Woods for grinding pxp with players that need Missions
YOSHI24replied to chucky97___ on Dec 13, 2023, 4:45 PM last edited by YOSHI24_XBL Dec 13, 2023, 4:49 PM
@chucky97___ No, because it did not play as a sim either. As I said: If you want to have an arcade style baseball game, just put a special mode and those stadiums in there. If MLBTS wants to be a baseball sim and not „The Bigs“ then ranked seasons should have only parks, that play as one … Even Coors is not that bad as e.g. Shield Woods
@chucky97___ Those players would win most of their games at any stadium. But it is easier for them to win there because they have awesome pci skills
@YOSHI24 You want to play the game like a sim and make player skill not matter? If a player is better they should be rewarded, not punished by ball park factor. This isnt real baseball, this is virtual baseball, good players will hit home runs at a high rate. If you want to play a sim go play offline, better players typically play a minor league parks becuase of the lower frame rate, no one likes mlb stadiums because it makes the game choppy and laggy.
If anyone plays Shield Woods, you’re a scrub.
@chucky97___ No, that is not what I am saying … You are right, MLBTS is not real life … I am sitting in front of a monitor (just kidding).
But are we together saying that MLBTS „simulates real baseball“? If yes, than playing at shield woods and hitting 80mph-HR on a regular basis is not skill, it is BS.
The best players can play everywhere and beat the sh.. out of everyone here. The problem is the randomness of these parks. You can have off-pci no-doubt-HR in nearly every game … Is that okay for you? If yes, we simply do not agree.
The best-players do not play at pro parks because of lag, that is true. But we have plenty of good-playing minor league park, e.g. Shippet since last year.
@YOSHI24 i get what you're saying, but realize perfect perfects die at stadiums that are max elevation, top players usually play around 3500-max playing at stadiums where a perfect may die is not ideal, which is why fields like shield woods are so frequently used, perfect fly balls do not die there, they leave. Will there be randomness ? Yes, more often then not the better player will win at shield woods.
Yes I absolutely hate playing in that stadium and the similar, way too easy to hit home run stadiums. I’m ok with coors field obviously but shield woods park is basically a arcade style game when you play their.. and unfortunately 80% of my away games are played in that stadium… they need to make an arcade mode for all the people who just want to hit home runs all game long.. ranked should have limits with elevation( besides coors field) and home run distance. They should also get rid of captain boost, at least if the person removes the player from the game when the captain gets up to bat.. but I think ranked should be about pitching and strategy, not just trying to hit easy home runs in a little league like stadium, it ruins the game for people who actually like the game of baseball
@DrwDyPoo do you know how much emphasis the home run ball has in real life baseball in todays game? Pitching and strategy just means you can hit, strategize ways to get guys out at hitter friendly parks.
@chucky97___ said in These stadiums are a disgrace to this beautiful baseball sim:
@YOSHI24 i get what you're saying, but realize perfect perfects die at stadiums that are max elevation, top players usually play around 3500-max playing at stadiums where a perfect may die is not ideal, which is why fields like shield woods are so frequently used, perfect fly balls do not die there, they leave. Will there be randomness ? Yes, more often then not the better player will win at shield woods.
I think you are overexagerating a little bit … Yes, Perfect-Perfects die at walls, but mostly at pro park (which is bad).
Shield woods is not the only park, where perfect-perfects do not die, there are lots of others, that do not play that randomly. Only that is my point. If SDS nerves elevation and/or does something on that created parks, where exit velocity seems twice that high than „normal (e.g. minor league) parks“Sorry for the bad english, I am not native speaking
YOSHI24replied to chucky97___ on Dec 14, 2023, 9:12 PM last edited by YOSHI24_XBL Dec 14, 2023, 9:14 PM
@chucky97___ said in These stadiums are a disgrace to this beautiful baseball sim:
@DrwDyPoo do you know how much emphasis the home run ball has in real life baseball in todays game? Pitching and strategy just means you can hit, strategize ways to get guys out at hitter friendly parks.
I agree. The only difference is that today … in real baseball … you still have to square up the ball to hit it out.
Square it up —> higher chance for base hits/HRs … Not squared up —> less chance … At Shield Woods, you can have bad pci placement and/or bad timing and still hit no-doubters at a much higher level than „normal parks“
@YOSHI24 no worries, and to add that every year there is always onee popular stadium everyone picks, use to be shippett, last year was laughing mountain, this year is shield woods. I wish they added no fans to pro parks, if they added that as an option more would play at pro parks.
@chucky97___ said in These stadiums are a disgrace to this beautiful baseball sim:
@YOSHI24 no worries, and to add that every year there is always onee popular stadium everyone picks, use to be shippett, last year was laughing mountain, this year is shield woods. I wish they added no fans to pro parks, if they added that as an option more would play at pro parks.
100% agree
Add „Capital Lane“ … I just played a game against an way better opponent. I ended losing 10-9 … I hit 3 HRs with 81, 82 and 84mpg exit velo… 2 of them no doubters. I should have lost 10-2
What developer working his a$$ off likes his game playing that bad !?!?!? It really is a disgrace
Well i just played an event game, in a stadium in the dark. Wtf man.