Online play vs friends
I play a lot of online games with a friend who still uses a lot of set 1 players that are p5. I feel like the roster should be also be restricted in all online formats to the current sets. I’m i wrong for putting in the work to keep up with the current sets and building my team around it?
Maybe friends vs friends online was meant to be that way?
Why are you worried about friends vs friends play and what team he is fielding? Game sucks this year so just play it with the players you like and call it a day.
Most of the modes can be played with any card from any set.
True he needs all the edge he can get because I usually win all the time with whom ever I use in my lineup lol
@TEXAS10PT this game is amazing for Franchise, best to date. I don't play the newb modes like DD or other fluff modes, maybe those are terrible?
My favorite thing to do is to play conquest map but they don’t really come out enough. Wish they had a map of the week instead of weekly wonders