Nintendo Switch server connection error
SDS just give us a fuckn update already, all we want to do is play, you not working on the weekend is completely unacceptable, we all demand packs for our wait plus stubbs
Miguel (The Show)
Oct 16, 2023, 7:48 AM PDT
Thanks for reaching out, I'd love to help. Server issues remain our top priority and we're moving as fast as possible to resolve. We're very appreciative for your patience - but please let me know if you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
That is NOT an update, no one is being patient and no they were not working on the weekend
Biggest BS I've ever heard in my life. TOp priority while they keep rolling out new content for everyone else but can't even get us back online. Like cmon now. At this point just tell us we're beat and get it over with foreal. Absolute joke.
They do not give an answer or average resolution time
For me its Over here on europe its 15:31 PM
Still the same...
Never seen nothing like this before....
For me its Over never buy it and i uninstall the game...they Will not do nothing....almost 8 Days blackout!?!?they give up but they dont have the balls to say....its Over boys they are not doing nothing.... -
At this point refund for the game and all in game purchases. Paid money to not be able to do anything with it. This is completely unethical at this point. Worst public relations and manager I've ever scene. I'd be absolutely ashamed and embarrassed if I had anything to do with this company right now. AAA studio my [censored].
I'm sitting here wondering when it's getting fixed or if it's not going to be fixed. We would just like regular updates because it's been a week now for switch users, we just wanna play online. Most of your modes are online and some things are only up for a week like event or a month like battle royal. Not to mention ranked and co op and some mini seasons are on a time frame. SWITCH USERS JUST WANT TO PLAY TOO....
@AdamsFam1922 said in Nintendo Switch server connection error:
I'm sitting here wondering when it's getting fixed or if it's not going to be fixed. We would just like regular updates because it's been a week now for switch users, we just wanna play online. Most of your modes are online and some things are only up for a week like event or a month like battle royal. Not to mention ranked and co op and some mini seasons are on a time frame. SWITCH USERS JUST WANT TO PLAY TOO....
There are several posts on this forum, twitter and reddit. There is an update in about 15 minutes available to fix the issue. 7 am EST
It still doesnt work
Working fine now, but extremely disappointed that SDS hasn't compensated switch users with in game rewards. My 8yr old son lost an entire weekend of gameplay and can't play during the week most weeks.
I don't have an update so mine still doesn't work
Start the game up and if you are connected to the internet it should prompt you to update.
I have internet but there is still no update
Go to the game and click + and go to software update and select via the internet and it will start the download for it
I'm playing Show 22 and still can't connect to the servers, and there's no update available when I click on the game options from the home screen. Any idea what's going on with that?
@SapereAude11 said in Nintendo Switch server connection error:
I'm playing Show 22 and still can't connect to the servers, and there's no update available when I click on the game options from the home screen. Any idea what's going on with that?
Same! Still down.