TA 4 East Showdown
I've been trying for 2 days to beat this showdown and can't do it. Every single time I get stuck on Felix Bautista. His splitter and fastball look 100% identical to me except for speed. I can't tell them apart. I tried to skip but that means I need 11 runs against Babe and I'm just not good enough to do that either. On the rare chance I hit the ball, it goes right at a defender every single time. If I try to wait until 2 strikes to wear him down he stops throwing balls completely. I absolutely hate showdowns. Your punished for not doing them because the east showdown counts for NL and AL both so it will take Significantly longer to finish if you don't do it. I'm almost to the point of giving up and never playing again. Why do something that is impossible? Even if I completed it now it wouldn't feel worth it. I just don't know anymore. I feel so worthless. I can't even beat a stupid game. Has anyone else had this kinda trouble? I know I'm going to get destroyed by most for being this honest but any advice to get these stupid TA4 completed would be appreciated.
Don't beat yourself up over it. You said it yourself "even if I beat it, it wouldn't feel worth it." That's how alot of players feel right now about the game from what I can see. Keep trying, you will get it!
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in TA 4 East Showdown:
any advice to get these stupid TA4 completed would be appreciated.
My heart goes out to you, partner….it truly does. Very demoralizing going thru draft after draft only to get denied after several wins over and over. I got to Mariano Rivera twice and tied it but just couldn’t quite seal the deal. It’d be so incredibly nice if one could glean some sort of benefit from performing well in the prior matches or just anything to squeeze at least one ‘continue’ once you’ve made it so far. I’ve seen others make the case on this forum for other such ways to make this abominable mode more playable…many of which were absolutely fantastic and would get my vote on any day….but unfortunately nothings been implemented. Instead we get Teen Beat style pinups.
Consequently I declare henceforth and forever more that I’ll never, never visit Venezuela simply due to what some of these outfits their native baseball players have allowed themselves to be photographed in. Just sayin’
My friend, seek comfort in the knowledge that there are others like yourself out here in the cyber-aether that are suffering right along with you in Showdown. Speaking of Bautista…he’s a booger no matter which way you go….the ball appears to shoot out of his elbow well after his hand had released the ball. Just a booger. Hey I wish you all the best mang and I’d love to see you come back here and post after you’ve conquered it because you know if you keep trying that you WILL get it…that would certainly give ME encouragement anywho
OP, I truly feel your pain. Showdown, simply and frankly, is a mess!
It needs to be completely blown up and redone.
It may say “rookie” and “vet”, but it’s really not. The pitchers and fielders are jacked up and don’t play to their ratings. They pitch and field WAY above.
50-60 rated pitchers dotting corners, a ton of “atom” balls, double plays “on demand”, relievers throwing 40+ pitches with no loss of stamina are just a few of the shenanigans you deal with.
Many of us simply skip this mode altogether.
I, personally, have only gotten two Showdowns. The starter one and WBC. After that, the few I’ve tried I’ve made it to maybe halfway.
I’ve sworn them off until SDS “fixes” them. And like you, it upsets me that this causes the grind to be much longer.
I should’ve mentioned this before but I found that Moonshot Showdown to be very doable and would recommend it as a bit of a salve for anyone who’d like to notch a victory over this mode.
Wouldn’t you agree with that @Blind_Bleeder
Thankfully, I got through this one on first try. Batista I had a few outs left, but Cabrera literally came down to my final out. I personally have found showdowns much easier this year than prior years, especially some of the later showdowns, I still struggled on some of the TA1 showdowns this year though.
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in TA 4 East Showdown:
I should’ve mentioned this before but I found that Moonshot Showdown to be very doable and would recommend it as a bit of a salve for anyone who’d like to notch a victory over this mode.
Wouldn’t you agree with that @Blind_Bleeder
I would. I would have never tried it without your encouragement. I did it the first time through...a first for me.
I've been lucky enough to get through most showdowns on the first or second try this but the Felix Bautista one took me 5 tries and extreme luck. Don't bother wearing him down. I had him at zero energy tied at 2 and 5 outs to go and he was still throwing 102 mph fast balls and painting the corner with that 87 mph Splitter.
Here's another thing I've noticed about showdowns. I've struggled with all the great Diamond players you draft but rake with the commons I have to use early. In this team affinity 4 east I was tied and down to my last out and with my common scrub, who had below 40 contact and below 30 power, absolutely crushed one out of the park. I know it can happen but all year I've gotten big hits from scrubs and low gold players while hitting poorly with Diamonds in these showdowns.
@Blind_Bleeder said in TA 4 East Showdown:
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in TA 4 East Showdown:
I should’ve mentioned this before but I found that Moonshot Showdown to be very doable and would recommend it as a bit of a salve for anyone who’d like to notch a victory over this mode.
Wouldn’t you agree with that @Blind_Bleeder
I would. I would have never tried it without your encouragement. I did it the first time through...a first for me.
You guys are almost talking me into trying that one.
I've read a lot of people saying Bautista was difficult so I waited to do the East Showdown until I was done with the other 2. Fortunately, I was able to get through it the first time. When it comes to Showdowns, I stack the 2 highest "Hero Time" (exit velocity boost in the 7th inning or later - the entire showdown) and 1 "Wake Up" (exit velocity boost after 3 consecutive outs) perks I have as quickly as I can.
It sounds like the Showdown against Bautista is in your head now. I'd try to step back from it and bang out some other challenges. Try to train your eye on the line above the bottom third of the strike when facing him. If a pitch starts below it, don't even think about swinging unless you already have 2 strikes. I waited him out and he hung a splitter to Boggs that just made it over the fence. Another suggestion I have is if you haven't already done the AL and NL East Moments; do those, keep the cards that play well for you in mind, and draft them or pick them up as you can.
@capardo_XBL said in TA 4 East Showdown:
@Blind_Bleeder said in TA 4 East Showdown:
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in TA 4 East Showdown:
I should’ve mentioned this before but I found that Moonshot Showdown to be very doable and would recommend it as a bit of a salve for anyone who’d like to notch a victory over this mode.
Wouldn’t you agree with that @Blind_Bleeder
I would. I would have never tried it without your encouragement. I did it the first time through...a first for me.
You guys are almost talking me into trying that one.
I tried the WBC showdown 40+ times and couldn’t get it (my son eventually did it for me). Moonshot I got first time through. I haven’t touched the others because I don’t like them.
Alright @Blind_Bleeder sir, I’ll give this one a try. Ugh!!!
@Blind_Bleeder said in TA 4 East Showdown:
@capardo_XBL said in TA 4 East Showdown:
@Blind_Bleeder said in TA 4 East Showdown:
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in TA 4 East Showdown:
I should’ve mentioned this before but I found that Moonshot Showdown to be very doable and would recommend it as a bit of a salve for anyone who’d like to notch a victory over this mode.
Wouldn’t you agree with that @Blind_Bleeder
I would. I would have never tried it without your encouragement. I did it the first time through...a first for me.
You guys are almost talking me into trying that one.
I tried the WBC showdown 40+ times and couldn’t get it (my son eventually did it for me). Moonshot I got first time through. I haven’t touched the others because I don’t like them.
Join the crowd i just wont play it id rather spend 4 hours playing for 2K xp over and over
@capardo_XBL said in TA 4 East Showdown:
Alright @Blind_Bleeder sir, I’ll give this one a try. Ugh!!!
Wait and see man you’ll get it. WTG
I have a great TA4 streak going for me… haven’t failed a moment or showdown and beat the orioles game 1 then beat the Braves. I know this is all luck tho
You guys will beat these conquests i promise. i have found it helps me to take a break at some point and reset my mind.
I am just waking up and decided to check this, wow, didn't expect all the positive responses. Thank you for the positive feedback, truly.
I currently moved on to the conquests. I need a break from these showdowns. I'm not exaggerating my frustration with these showdowns. Feeling frustrated to the point of feeling worthless, stupid, and severe depression isn't healthy. I hate these things, but it's nice to see I'm not alone. I've had a really hard life. SA as a kid, was homeless multiple times, On and on I could go but my point is simply I play for fun not to be challenged or do hard content. Everything in life has been miserable and hard for the most part, games never should be. Showdowns are too hard. Hard = no fun. There is no way it's the same difficulty as VS CPU. It feels 10 times harder. I can count on one hand for example how many times the CPU has robbed me of a HR in VS CPU games this entire year and have fingers left over. The CPU robbed me of 3 HR last night, just in this showdown. Veteran difficulty in VS CPU games should be the same difficulty you face in conquest and showdowns and it's not. SDS has forgotten players like me this year, I hope that changes soon. Anyway, Maybe there is a balance somewhere cause I spent all my stubs to buy a 75,000 stub pack and pulled Trout from the Chase pack. Think I'm going to play some of the conquests with him. I will let everyone know when I give the showdowns another try. Thanks again for the kind words.
Here are some tips as it seems you can make it to Bautista.
Once you get there. Lock your PCI in the upper part of the zone and hunt fastballs ( thrown majority of time, especially with bases empty). He gives up lots of homers and will leave them upper part of zone, middle or up and in . When a guy gets on first is when you need to be careful of the splitter and slider down for double play ground balls
For Mariano, I set up down and in as he seems to throw is cutter repeatedly in that area.
For the East Showdown in general, I would recommend loading up on left hand bats first, then switch hitters. Only lefty before the final boss ( which is the easiest of them all) is Alvarado, so pick all the lefty bats that kill righties
Hope this helps, my friend.
I think it would be cool that in addition to earning a player and a perk for beating a pitcher in the Showdown, you can earn additional outs or a retry of any pitcher.
F Firestormx_MLBTS referenced this topic on
Hang in there. Things can turnaround quickly.
Friday night I lost 6 in a row, got mad and decided to do the conquests instead.
Started up showdowns again Sunday morning and won all 3 on my first try. -
I did them all with relative ease, I always skip the guy right before the final showdown because the outs limit seems risky.