ideas for the show 25
my idea is they skip a year, and use massive updates for '24...
i still see tons of broken animations of fielders running in, then run backwards... faces have tons of white dots..
some ideas
solid dirt infield like in Japan..
more stadium creator options such as; weather, sunset into different directions, E, S, N, ETCFranchise injuries stay in career. Happens in UFC 4 if you get a concussion or broken rib it stays your whole career. The same maybe lingering arm issues you get promted to pitch through or rest.. Maybe be a massive slugger and then become injury prone (stanton like)
More weather, more winds, more rain, snow, etc
more commentary updated, commentators like players of the week, month, etc, rookies MILB prospects, etc...
Never gonna happen, do you know how much revenue they'd have to give up skipping a year?
The runners being broken as you call it is the only way they can probably code for lower level fielders getting bad jumps on the ball or everyone would be amazing fielders.
They will never make franchise amazing again. I wish they would but it was back when that’s all they had but they don’t care anymore.
As for weather. Look no further than this forum and the complaints about weather ruining people’s W/L record.
Best update they could do is go back to 20 and leave stuff alone that works. And stop eating at same places EA Sports employees do.