How is this lineup diversity thing working?
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
So how about sending that message privately then just saying
That's fair, maybe I should have done that. My thought in posting it here was mostly to counter the shots that he tends to take at my character. I'd prefer that other posters knew that I'm not anything like the things he makes up about me because I enjoy talking about the game here and being part of this community. But yeah, maybe handling it privately would have been better. Thanks for the input.
@Bearsfan217_XBL said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
With this type of competitive game mode, players are always going to use the META, regardless of how many cards SDS pushes out. So lineup diversity for online is just out the window regardless what model ya using, Sets this year or previous yrs games Meta rules for online. I personally think SDS is greedy , as a business is i guess and created this Set model to rip off and bleed its customers slowly
. I could say more but thats the jist of it
But in previous years you actually did have the choice which "meta" card you wanted to use because there were multiple for each position, which has now been eliminated by this new sets implementation. And let me clarify once more, it's not neccesarily about that system or the lack of lineup variety that doesn't sit well with me.. it's the fact that they tried to sell it under that false pretense when there were clearly very different ulterior motives.
Speaking of lack of diversity why is that Donaldson card so popular aren’t there others out there that are equal to the task? Does playing online really require eveyone to have the same team? Maybe they’re all just mimicking the lineups that are suggested to them online instead of trying out other cards and giving themselves a chance to discover a hidden gem or is there even any such thing anymore?
Is it just at the highest levels of competition where Donaldson gains the edge? That would be understandable however I’ll never make it there to see lol but I’m very interested to learn
@raesONE-_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
@Pergo_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
"I do think there is more lineup diversity this year than in past years..."
You're joking, right? Or are you still defending anything and everything SDS does and intending to die on that hill? In years past there were absolutely more options to consider at each position because there were a ton of cards you could choose from since there were multiple "meta" cards for each position and often it would come down to personal preference. That's just not the case now, no two ways about it. Go make your way up the ranks and see what teams you run into when the opponents get a little better.
Maybe you have a history with this person and are responding as you are because of that, but it seems to me that your opinion or "still defending anything and everything SDS does and intending to die on that hill" aren't the only two options, here.
I obviously haven't tracked opponent's lineups over the years, but certainly feel like I'm seeing much more variety in my opponents' teams this year. There's a lot more to this fanbase than those who play at the very top levels; I've played about 200 RS games this year, almost all at All Star, and while there are certainly a few cards that most people use, I don't feel like I'm playing against the same lineup every game. In years past, I felt like I did... people who weren't very good were just not as good with the same [censored] players as everyone else. Maybe the current structure isn't the only thing behind that, but I'd say it definitely helps.
I would venture to guess that those who base their lineup on the best available player at each position will whittle their way to the same players whether there are sets and seasons or just one continuous slog. To me, it seems that looking only at those "way up in the ranks" is actually the worst way to determine whether or not this little experiment worked, both because they'd put themselves at a disadvantage by using a lesser card and because they're such a small segment of the population.
For those that choose their teams based on players they like, it seems like there are more choices this year... I happen to think that the current structure has something to do with that.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
@raesONE-_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
@Pergo_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
"I do think there is more lineup diversity this year than in past years..."
You're joking, right? Or are you still defending anything and everything SDS does and intending to die on that hill? In years past there were absolutely more options to consider at each position because there were a ton of cards you could choose from since there were multiple "meta" cards for each position and often it would come down to personal preference. That's just not the case now, no two ways about it. Go make your way up the ranks and see what teams you run into when the opponents get a little better.
Maybe you have a history with this person and are responding as you are because of that, but it seems to me that your opinion or "still defending anything and everything SDS does and intending to die on that hill" aren't the only two options, here.
I obviously haven't tracked opponent's lineups over the years, but certainly feel like I'm seeing much more variety in my opponents' teams this year. There's a lot more to this fanbase than those who play at the very top levels; I've played about 200 RS games this year, almost all at All Star, and while there are certainly a few cards that most people use, I don't feel like I'm playing against the same lineup every game. In years past, I felt like I did... people who weren't very good were just not as good with the same [censored] players as everyone else. Maybe the current structure isn't the only thing behind that, but I'd say it definitely helps.
I would venture to guess that those who base their lineup on the best available player at each position will whittle their way to the same players whether there are sets and seasons or just one continuous slog. To me, it seems that looking only at those "way up in the ranks" is actually the worst way to determine whether or not this little experiment worked, both because they'd put themselves at a disadvantage by using a lesser card and because they're such a small segment of the population.
For those that choose their teams based on players they like, it seems like there are more choices this year... I happen to think that the current structure has something to do with that.
I can see where you're coming from and appreciate your input. Perhaps it is true that there is more diversity in the lower levels of RS, and in my estimation there is some correlation with the fact that people aren't striving to compete/win neccesarily. They're just looking to have fun. And that is great, that's probably how the game should be played by most in all honesty. But for anyone who does want to compete and plays in the higher levels of RS, the lineup diversity is nowhere to be seen. Everyone is running the same team, while in years past there were way more viable options for each positions because of the simple fact that cards weren't locked out. But again, I do see your point.
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
Speaking of lack of diversity why is that Donaldson card so popular aren’t there others out there that are equal to the task? Does playing online really require eveyone to have the same team? Maybe they’re all just mimicking the lineups that are suggested to them online instead of trying out other cards and giving themselves a chance to discover a hidden gem or is there even any such thing anymore?
Is it just at the highest levels of competition where Donaldson gains the edge? That would be understandable however I’ll never make it there to see lol but I’m very interested to learn
Some people are sheep. They see YouTubers using certain cards and they think that if they use the same cards; they'll play as good as the best player out there.
Same thing goes with cards that are glitched.
@The_Joneser_PSN said
For those that choose their teams based on players they like, it seems like there are more choices this year... I happen to think that the current structure has something to do with that.
Quite the opposite, at least for me. The "current structure" has actually reduced my opportunity to use a lot of the "players I like".... as some have either expired, or will be expired.
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
Speaking of lack of diversity why is that Donaldson card so popular aren’t there others out there that are equal to the task? Does playing online really require eveyone to have the same team? Maybe they’re all just mimicking the lineups that are suggested to them online instead of trying out other cards and giving themselves a chance to discover a hidden gem or is there even any such thing anymore?
Is it just at the highest levels of competition where Donaldson gains the edge? That would be understandable however I’ll never make it there to see lol but I’m very interested to learn
Ugh, its him almost every game its nauseous
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
@The_Joneser_PSN said
For those that choose their teams based on players they like, it seems like there are more choices this year... I happen to think that the current structure has something to do with that.
Quite the opposite, at least for me. The "current structure" has actually reduced my opportunity to use a lot of the "players I like".... as some have either expired, or will be expired.
Fair enough. Perhaps I should have chosen my words differently... maybe the still-eligible players I like more than the META?
I hear you, though... I'm also barred from using some players I like when they become ineligible, but just that in itself can create some diversity depending on how you deal with that... I love using Tom Terrific, and will use him as my WC, but just leaving him there to regenerate stamina will make me say goodbye to Holliday at short and Carew at second (but Strange-Gordon is fun!).
But, I'm an A's fan, so I'm used to saying goodbye to players I love and restocking with subpar replacements.
I don't understand the narrative of "greed" I have not spent a single dime after initial purchase . If a company wants to make extra money by selling extra features what's wrong with that , if there's a market , there will be a product .
I am an ok player , I have a winning record but I will never make world series. I guarantee that a better player with my cards can make world series with out spending extra.
I just don't get this complaint.
And before someone calls me a fan boy , I'm not saying there are no problems, I have certainly posted some issues I have with this game .
It definitely has caused me to use more diverse lineups. I was always guilty of using the same cards I was comfortable with and missed out on using a lot of cards because if I struggled with a new card early, I would switch back to my core team. It got to the point I was using the same cards year after year. I haven't used trout or Mookie much since season one ended and they definitely would have been in my lineup all year. It forced me to give Aaron a chance and the card has been amazing for me. Jimmie Foxx would have been my catcher all year, but he is going away in a few weeks, so I have been using adley and Im liking the card. Also, during season one I feel like I faced Gibson every other game. I havent seen him since he went away. I think under the old system Id still be seeing him alot. I doubt many people will use Randy as a wildcard, so he'll be gone in a few weeks. I may be in the minority but i like the challenge of having to put together a new team.
@raesONE-_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
Perhaps it is true that there is more diversity in the lower levels of RS, and in my estimation there is some correlation with the fact that people aren't striving to compete/win neccesarily.
I'd say that's accurate for position players down here in All-Star land. However, I see a lack of diversity when it comes to Starting pitchers. Which was probably the same in prior year editions.
I don't think the devs like this system much either, every stream so far they don't have much enthusiasm and it seems forced.they have to promote it but there doesn't seem to be as much excitement for it as previous years.
I haven't played a ranked game yet this year. But I'm assuming that throughout the course of the entire year you're going to see more different lineups than you normally would, based of seasons and wild card use.
The problem is,like you said with the limited pool of cards, you end up seeing the same lineups from everyone throughout a particular season. Because everyone wants to use the "META" cards.
So while in years past as soon as a 99 Chipper or Mantle drop you'd see those cards in everyone's lineup for the rest of the year, where now you just see them in everyone's lineup for a couple months.
I think the biggest problem with all of this is how they seemed to haphazardly put the captain system in to place. So many captains, especially live series, don't give enough of a boost to make them worthwhile. Then you got a card like the David Ortiz postseason captain and there's only like 10 postseason hitter cards in the game.
@PAinPA_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
I don't think the devs like this system much either, every stream so far they don't have much enthusiasm and it seems they have to promote it but there doesn't seem to be as much excitement for it as in previous years.
That's a great point. In prior releases, they seemed much more engaged and excited when dropping new programs. Plus, they've disappeared from sight from the forum. I was hopeful when they announced Cbrev would get involved, but there's been no engagement from him except for "we're fixing a bug". He would have been great to host forum threads on gameplay, strategy, etc. A wasted opportunity for sure.
When the Community was pleading for diverse lineups, I do not remember anyone asking for "expiring cards". To achieve lineup diversity, all SDS had to do was offer more comparable cards at each position. Under this new format, we may get 1-2 comparable 99's along with several 97s at each position, every couple of months or so. Therefore, instead of facing the same lineups throughout the year, we get to face the same lineups 6x a year.
@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
When the Community was pleading for diverse lineups, I do not remember anyone asking for "expiring cards". To achieve lineup diversity, all SDS had to do was offer more comparable cards at each position. Under this new format, we may get 1-2 comparable 99's along with several 97s at each position, every couple of months or so. Therefore, instead of facing the same lineups throughout the year, we get to face the same lineups 6x a year.
Exactly this. I never understood why they can't release multiple 99s, be creative with it. Add some quirks or different stuff to some of them to make then more appealing later in the game cycle. Locking out cards is just a terrible idea imo. If they want to go that route, they could instead introduce a salary cap ranked mode or something down those lines.
Set was great, the WBC cards and players that were never in the game was fun. Plus we got guys like Andrew Chafin getting diamonds and thought see more players like that get cards, but it’s seems like it’s jus been an alternating unusable 97 usable 99 of the same players or two 99s, one being slightly worse and doesn’t work useable captains. I think they can improve the model in the future, and make things like set collections core or parallel cards to core.
Every set you see some version of the same lineup, diversity is terrible this year. Also because cards expire I’m not trying to parallel cards like in past years. In ‘21 it felt like a worthwhile grind to get Kyle Seager from a 96 up to a 98-99, now you’re forced to use whatever content SDS decides to release in the current set.
@Tadow9_MLBTS said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
Every set you see some version of the same lineup, diversity is terrible this year. Also because cards expire I’m not trying to parallel cards like in past years. In ‘21 it felt like a worthwhile grind to get Kyle Seager from a 96 up to a 98-99, now you’re forced to use whatever content SDS decides to release in the current set.
100% agree.