Set 1 Collection Question
Morning! I admittedly played Season 1 and 2 very haphazardly. Didn’t play online and didn’t play any programs that had Moments (in general)
Anyway, trying a different approach in Season 3 and trying to knock some Collections out. I’ve done Core, now working on Season 1.
I’ve knocked out April Topps Now and April Monthly Awards. I still have the TA 1 to finish.
By my math (could be fuzzy math ), when I finish TA1, I’ll still be about 50 cards short of finishing Set 1 Collection!
Does this sound right?? Or am I missing something. ( Cuz I sure hope I am).
Thanks in advance!!
There are 11 Set 1 Programs with 172 Player Rewards:
April POTM: 18
April Topps Now: 50
Charisma: 10
Great Egg Hunt: 5
WBC: 29
TA1 AL Central: 10
TA1 AL East: 10
TA1 AL West: 10
TA1 NL Central: 10
TA1 NL East: 10
TA1 NL West: 10After that, you'll need 84 Set 1 cards from the Shop. (There's currently 50 Set 1 cards at or near QS levels so it's not THAT daunting.)
That should get you to 256. Add in Collection rewards Jazz, Tre, and the 1st 2 Collect Packs and you're at 260 and the 3rd pack.
Thanks @savefarris_MLBTS!
As mentioned above, I came up with about 50. And you are correct, most are at QS value
So, I need to continue flipping and get my stubs up to around 550k.
Thanks again!
@SaveFarris_PSN to the rescue.
@capardo_XBL - check your DM