Does SDS need to juice packs to make them more interesting?
I have one good pull for the year and that is the WBC Ohtani from a Chase pack. Outside of that, I have bought 1K+ regular packs, all 3 of the initial WBC packs, Jumbo packs, all of the free BIAH, etc. I haven't pulled one high tier diamond from any of them. This year is brutal and I won't ever waste money on packs, again.
For me it’s not the base packs that is the issue, those are boring. Their meant to be, and should be. But people that only play this game have no idea how good of packs you can earn in other games, not even mentioning weekend league and red picks. They should have something like “swaps” every now and then and give people the choice between the really good 99 reward card, or the juiciest pack you’ve ever seen with multiple diamonds.
You should look at the 150,000 coin Ken Griffey and actually have a touch decision to make wether you take him or the gamble.
Juiced packs equals a market crash, so no thanks.
I just got a chase pack. Was all excited. Peter fairbanks
@mrwonderful95 said in Does SDS need to juice packs to make them more interesting?:
Personally I loathe opening packs. It’s just so unrewarding to open packs knowing you’re gonna get garbage binder filler. I don’t even get excited when a diamond appears because I know most likely it’s a low level 85. It’s awesome that they give us free packs but frankly, it’s just not that interesting. By no means am I complaining about free packs but opening them simply to complete the live series collection just isn’t that fun. I’d love to pull players I can actually use in game. It would just make the experience so much more enjoyable. I feel they could just be a little more generous with the odds. Not complaining just throwing this out there to see if others feel the same way?
I do agree, packs are trash.
@Luckygiodom_PSN said in Does SDS need to juice packs to make them more interesting?:
I just got a chase pack. Was all excited. Peter fairbanks
That's the biggest thing, nothing but a diamond should come from a chase pack. They fixed it half way through last year. And what do you know "derp da derp "we put golds back in the fancy packs."
I just got my first chase pack. WAS Super excited. I got Nestor Cortes Live Gold card. Really? So dumb.
@txbizman_PSN said in Does SDS need to juice packs to make them more interesting?:
I have one good pull for the year and that is the WBC Ohtani from a Chase pack. Outside of that, I have bought 1K+ regular packs, all 3 of the initial WBC packs, Jumbo packs, all of the free BIAH, etc. I haven't pulled one high tier diamond from any of them. This year is brutal and I won't ever waste money on packs, again.
My friend who is new to the game pulled LS Arenado and Edwin Diaz back to back in a span of 2 minutes… Beginers luck lol
If your goal is to find cards for your squad then you should buy singles off the market or earn them from gameplay - - lou gehrig world series is way better than every live series card and it takes like a week of losing online to get gehrig….
The live series cards are only expensive due to supply and demand - - stub prices have nothing to do with performance
If you are buying packs in hopes of profiting stubs thats highly unlikely to happen - - - earn as many free packs as you can and spend your money on beer and weed
@mrwonderful95 said in Does SDS need to juice packs to make them more interesting?:
Personally I loathe opening packs. It’s just so unrewarding to open packs knowing you’re gonna get garbage binder filler. I don’t even get excited when a diamond appears because I know most likely it’s a low level 85. It’s awesome that they give us free packs but frankly, it’s just not that interesting. By no means am I complaining about free packs but opening them simply to complete the live series collection just isn’t that fun. I’d love to pull players I can actually use in game. It would just make the experience so much more enjoyable. I feel they could just be a little more generous with the odds. Not complaining just throwing this out there to see if others feel the same way?
It unrewarding for a good reason, it’s to prevent market saturation. It’s also done to prevent things like stub transfers. That’s why you pay an exorbitant amount for choice packs.