Co-op freezing
Please get rid of the Cool down penalties for co-op there are far too many freeze offs and glitches that are happening…. It isn’t fair to the players.
Happens everyday, all day….Getting pretty ridiculous at this point, I would hope they compensate the community properly for all the bugs/glitches.
It’s not our fault the game freezes at the high rate that it does, therefore we shouldn’t be punished for it when it does. Myself and the guys I play with are only able to play a game or two a night. Often times the cooldowns prevent us from doing so.
Huge fan of coming online, playing 4 innings, the game freezing and now I have to wait two hours to play again, EA Sports would be proud of this shambles. Embarrassing, no wonder new numbers are so low.
Try turning off cross play and see if it helps.