To the Players Offering Criticism
Or you know, maybe people respond because anytime someone complains they have to make it a personal attack on people who enjoy the game. If you have to focus elsewhere then actually writing good criticism, what does that say about your "problems'?
So because some of us enjoy the game, we’re not allowed to have an opinion?
Gotta love communism
@NR7LES_XBL said in To the Players Offering Criticism:
You have every right to criticize the game. It’s simply flawed in many ways. The people who respond to these posts and blindly defend SDS while attacking OP’s because they’re offering insight into how the game is flawed either spent $100s in the first week to get Sosa, Chipper, Jeter and need to defend their spending OR haven’t logged off since late March.
Go to Reddit to offer criticism. People there are slightly less toxic and drink less of the SDS juice.
99% of the criticism I’ve seen is people saying the game has given players access to players who are rated 99 early as though the teams wouldn’t be the same players anyways just all the same 90 rated players instead of 99 rated players. Maybe valid criticism would be taken a little more seriously. I haven’t been on long so take my word for whatever you want but when someone like you and me come on and our 1 post is a ridiculous complaint that everyone else already made. People are sick of it.
@Hikes83_PSN said in To the Players Offering Criticism:
So because some of us enjoy the game, we’re not allowed to have an opinion?
Gotta love communism
Of course you have a right to have an opinion, just like OPs have a right to offer criticism. You bring up communism… shutting down or sh***ing on someone’s criticism of the game would be closer to communism than having a problem with people who try to defend the game lol. Remember, Stalin sent anyone who disagreed with his government (SDS) to the gulag forever.
You guys who bash OPs for frustration are the communists (grinder/spenders)
Can’t we just allow people to have their opinions, positive or negative, and not always try to discount what they’re saying? This is our world right now. Either you’re on the left or the right (not political) and people can’t see the other side. Kinda sad.
All right, I'll take the bait:
About the "all 99s": it was known prior to release; if people didn't like it, they could either A) not buy it; B) try it and see how it goes. If someone bought it without checking out what DD was about, it's on them (excluding 1st year players that have no base of reference).
About the 40/60 skill to RNG "point": Like poker, funny how it's always the same players at the top of the leaderboards. Also, baseball is the ultimate RNG sport: that's why stats like BABIP, FIP and xWOBA and others were created; to take the noise out of ERA and BA. If you win/lose too much because of RNG ( a biased observation not rooted in any measurable, objective facts), then you're not good enough and just run of the mill average player (like me).
Now, if people complain about too many perfect inputs getting bad results, they can tweak it, as they did and may do again down the road. Gameplay complaints will always exist on a wide spectrum, some valid, some not.
Talking from my perspective, the introduction of timed programs in 21 and 22 took out my enjoyment of the grind and programs; I always felt behind, got irritated when I couldn't play for awhile because of it, felt rushed doing Moments and Showdowns and stats missions instead of playing with my own squad. I made a conscious decision for the first time in close to a decade of not pre-ordering for 23.
When I got back on 22 in early March to scratch that itch, I found out I hadn't even completed the May POTM program and the ones after them were untouched, so I guess I gave up in June. Now, doing the programs one by one, without a deadline, I enjoy it a lot more. I can jump online or Conquest, or MS and not feel like I'm missing out. In years past, if I had less time starting in late May/June, when the nice weather was back, I could just play enough for the XP to count towards that specific Inning, and come back later and do the Conquest/Showdown/Moments needed to get the 300 stars, and I couldn't care less about the extended path.
I may not get 23 this year; I'm waiting for a price drop, and had my ps4 not died 2 weeks ago, may not have bought it at all considering the frame rate issues. I'm still not sure, hanging around here to read opinions about content, bugs/gameplay quirks that may or may not bug me.
BUT, I'm pretty sure that I didn't all my time creating threads venting my frustration every day about stuff that I couldn't control. If a game is bad or I don't enjoy it, or stop enjoying like CoD years back, I just quit. No shame in it. This game has seen better days, and may see more still when they fully jump to next/current gen with a new engine. Or not. But TO ME, it's not the root of all evil some make it out to be.
Verbalizing your opinion , good or bad opens that opinion up for criticism. That’s the way it works in the grown up world. Get over it.
There is a difference between criticism and stupid complaints. A couple weeks ago, pitches floating down the plate on perfect release=valid criticism. Most gameplay complaint posts aren't jumped on by the "SDS defenders" unless its just yelling this game sucks blah blah blah. 99s early was known before this game came out. It's fine to not like it but they knew what they were signing up for. Anyone is welcome to criticize this game, but anyone saying "this game sucks" or "same old [censored]" or RNG fest over and over again are asking for it
@the_dragon1912 said in To the Players Offering Criticism:
There is a difference between criticism and stupid complaints. A couple weeks ago, pitches floating down the plate on perfect release=valid criticism. Most gameplay complaint posts aren't jumped on by the "SDS defenders" unless its just yelling this game sucks blah blah blah. 99s early was known before this game came out. It's fine to not like it but they knew what they were signing up for. Anyone is welcome to criticize this game, but anyone saying "this game sucks" or "same old [censored]" or RNG fest over and over again are asking for it
To add to this, as I said, most people who complain have to make it personal, anyone who likes it has a low iq, or anyone who likes it is just defending themselves spending money. A great example on the other side was the communism bit that was thrown at you.
If you are targeting other players way more then the game, it's not criticism, it's complaining. Stick to the topic at hand, make sure your ducks are in a row and you aren't just spitting out a bunch of random sentences, and that can be hard to do when you are mad, which is why I always think it's best to take a breath after a tough loss, think about what you want to write instead of word vomitting what you feel
If you wanna whine, [censored] and moan, that's ok.
If you have anything positive to say or say anything that doesn't align with the whiners, bitchers, and moaners, that's not OK.
Got it.
@NR7LES_XBL said in To the Players Offering Criticism:
You have every right to criticize the game. It’s simply flawed in many ways. The people who respond to these posts and blindly defend SDS while attacking OP’s because they’re offering insight into how the game is flawed either spent $100s in the first week to get Sosa, Chipper, Jeter and need to defend their spending OR haven’t logged off since late March.
Go to Reddit to offer criticism. People there are slightly less toxic and drink less of the SDS juice.
It's not that cut and dried.
Criticism of the game for bugs, for example the Mini seasons bug or the glitch when the pitch comes from the wrong side are valid complaints. I doubt any defends those issues.
Don't like Seasons or Sets (I don't) or hate that there are too many high overall cards in the game then that is fine too, but that is an opinion based complaint and you can't expect people who have a different opinion to just hold their tongues.
Lastly, and this is a trap you even fell into, if you want people to not get defensive then stop insulting them in your criticisms.
@NR7LES_XBL said in To the Players Offering Criticism:
The people who respond to these posts and blindly defend SDS while attacking OP’s because they’re offering insight into how the game is flawed either spent $100s in the first week to get Sosa, Chipper, Jeter and need to defend their spending OR haven’t logged off since late March.
So you have just insulted everyone who may not agree by pigeonholing them as a whale or a basement dwelling gamer. Nice. And you wonder why people don't just stay silent?