Does anyone actually like showdowns?
I absolutely hate them. Am I alone here? They are just not exciting enough to grab my attention, but extremely punishing if you lose focus late into the run. And they don't feel rewarding themselves being that they just lead to program progress. They just feel like a frustrating uninteresting impediment on progress. I'd rather just do more moments. Or try something new. Showdowns are unfun.
I don’t mind them, especially for quick program points. They’re usually pretty quick
I like them enough. They are really easy since about middle of last year when they took away all the challenges they had in them and just made them hitting boss battles. Dont even have to fill out your positions, just grab the best hitters.
It’s an okay mode. The rewards to go through 8 forced bosses is [censored]. Can’t give you anything good or the losers will spam it over and over.
Do you guys like doing mini seasons too?
GoTitans3replied to ZiggyOB1009 on Apr 22, 2023, 4:22 AM last edited by GoTitans3_XBL Apr 22, 2023, 4:24 AM
@ZiggyOB1009 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
Do you guys like doing mini seasons too?
Mini seasons, when working lol, and working towards a big program like TA is not that bad. Xp and packs and 97s flying at you everywhere. Showdown for basically nothing, meh I could pass. Cool thought with bad execution to stop spammers. Showdown just ain’t really fun enough to justify what you’re getting. It’s a chore.
@GoTitans3 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
@ZiggyOB1009 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
Do you guys like doing mini seasons too?
Mini seasons, when working lol, and working towards a big program like TA is not that bad. Xp and packs and 97s flying at you everywhere. Showdown for basically nothing, meh I could pass. Cool thought with bad execution to stop spammers.
Ya I feel that. The mini season does seem like the thing to do when there's nothing else. I guess my ADHD is too real for the showdown life lol
@ZiggyOB1009 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
I absolutely hate them. Am I alone here? They are just not exciting enough to grab my attention, but extremely punishing if you lose focus late into the run. And they don't feel rewarding themselves being that they just lead to program progress. They just feel like a frustrating uninteresting impediment on progress. I'd rather just do more moments. Or try something new. Showdowns are unfun.
mate - i don't like playing them but they are really easy if you are patient, and you get great rewards for doing them - it is simple work - conquest bores me to absolute tears by contrast - anything offline feels completely pointless to me
@TheHungryHole said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
@ZiggyOB1009 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
I absolutely hate them. Am I alone here? They are just not exciting enough to grab my attention, but extremely punishing if you lose focus late into the run. And they don't feel rewarding themselves being that they just lead to program progress. They just feel like a frustrating uninteresting impediment on progress. I'd rather just do more moments. Or try something new. Showdowns are unfun.
mate - i don't like playing them but they are really easy if you are patient, and you get great rewards for doing them - it is simple work - conquest bores me to absolute tears by contrast - anything offline feels completely pointless to me
I mean ya it's Vet but just the build of the mode is unfun. You gotta lock it in and make it your main focus for like 30 minutes. You gotta dedicate time to drafting cards you either already have or probably never will lol and you hit pause to get the pizza outta the oven and come back to play but really you're thinking about the pizza that's cooling off and you just miss two and then line out and now guess what lock it in cause you're 1 away from the final boss and you do not wanna do this all over again. Like that just isn't fun when it's not against another person or for something awesome. I agree on the conquests as well but at least I can lose focus in that and not have to start the whole map over
Don't like Moments, and Showdowns are almost like a 10 pack of Moments - with a guaranteed Silver. Exhilarating, right? Nope. Innovation has not been a strong point for this game in a while. It might be different if all the modes deemed 'Veteran' all played similarly. Instead, Conquest plays nothing like Moments, which plays nothing like Showdowns, which plays nothing like Play vs CPU, which plays nothing like <insert game mode here>.
I got this one done, but if I can avoid them, I do. Unfortunately, the powers that be wanted people to play Showdown whether they wanted to or not.
i don't usually mind showdown but I do tend to think we should have alternatives to beating a program then having to do showdown even if it is an extremely boring grind such as the extreme program last year
Literally just give me a repeatable pxp grind and I'll be on my merry way never playing a showdown again
I hate being forced to do them to complete a program. They give me so much anxiety, I usually avoid them if I can.
@Blkheart96 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
I hate being forced to do them to complete a program. They give me so much anxiety, I usually avoid them if I can.
Same. I'm fine with them being available for those that enjoy it, but I'd like to be able to finish all the programs without doing showdowns.
@ZiggyOB1009 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
I absolutely hate them. Am I alone here? They are just not exciting enough to grab my attention, but extremely punishing if you lose focus late into the run. And they don't feel rewarding themselves being that they just lead to program progress. They just feel like a frustrating uninteresting impediment on progress. I'd rather just do more moments. Or try something new. Showdowns are unfun.
Showdown is easily the most despicable mode in this game. Adjusted sliders, bronze and common defenders all defending like Ozzie, endless perfect perfect outs.
I wouldn’t say I love showdown the way I love conquest or ranked seasons but I certainly don’t mind it either. Have yet to play one that took me more than 2 or 3 tries to beat.
I am on the 2020 version and still have most of them to do. My main issue is why should I have to pay stubs to play a program? If I have to beat a showdown to acquire a card for a collection but also pay for the privilege of playing and NOT necessarily beating the showdown then it should be something I can also grind for instead.
Hopefully I said this properly. Sometimes it's difficult to phrase things in text.
I don't enjoy them at all but most of my frustrations stem from my own limitations. I'm 52 and my reflexes are not good so I am very inconsistent with PCI placement.
I do believe that the most common suggestions for showdown (take pitches, don't swing before 2 strike count) are the way to go, but for someone like me who can't count on good PCI it doesn't help that much.
I don't want them removed because they are obviously a good way to complete programs faster for those that don't struggle with them. All I want is an alternative for folks like me to be able to complete programs eventually. It would obviously be much slower but I'd get there in the end. As it is it's do this supremely frustrating (to me) mode or skip a lot of content.
It's batting practice with a purpose basically. So yeah I like them
soonermagic78replied to the_dragon1912 on Apr 22, 2023, 12:03 PM last edited by soonermagic78_XBL Apr 22, 2023, 12:04 PM
@the_dragon1912 said in Does anyone actually like showdowns?:
It's batting practice with a purpose basically. So yeah I like them
We get it. You are better. Lol.
I just got booted from the sever on the 6th pitcher
I don’t know maybe my internet isn’t as good either.