Increasing attributes broken?
I noticed that my 4SFB velocity will not increase.
I'll lead with the "I'm not having this issue" on my Nintendo Switch, with a SP/1B "Mastadon".
That and none of my stats have reached 50 yet...
Is it your base stats? They are capped at a certain point did you see if you were at max level?
I am playing as a closing pitcher in season 3 (2025) still in AAA and my 4 seem fastball will not go over 92MPH. I can not get my overall past 72 no matter what I do. With all previous games all the way back to 2007 I would have been in high 80s are Vet difficulty if not the 90's by this time.
I hear you on the OVR - SP/1B that just got to 78 OVR as a pitcher *and 75 OVR as 1B, which is oddly the number the game's using to determine my placement in the rotation) in spring training, so he was basically a pure 1B for the playoffs...
"Not helping" the cause is how they've changed earning "performance" points on the mound.
For example, in 21/22, every 4SFB I threw for a non-foul strike got +VEL. This year, only "swing and miss" strikes get that +VEL. Meanwhile, if I can plant that 4SFB "on the strike zone border", where it at least touches that border and up to 1/2 of it can be "outside" the border, and if the FB is "ignored" and/or "missed", I get +CTRL.
Just completed a preseason start, and am looking at the "base attributes, pitching" screen in the post-game debrief (the one where you can see the bars "grow"). Their values, presented as "control/velocity/break":
4SFB 35 / 36 / 30
CH 31 / 30 / 34
CB 30 / 30 / 35
SL 30 / 30 / 33
SNK 30 / 30 / 31Just loaded up MLB 22. Looking at my "older" Mastodon. This one was a SP / 2B Cards (vs SP / 1B Red Sox). From the "picking pitches screen in the loadout editor", same as before
4SFB 42 / 43 / 30
CH 31 / 39 / 45
CUT 38 / 32 / 30
2SFB 35 / 34 / 30
Forkball 30 / 30 / 35And this player hasn't made it through the NLCS...
(edit history 1: added 22 stats. 2: removed "guess" as to what 22 gave...)
dude, you’re not using quotation marks correctly…makes it very hard to understand what you’re really trying to say. nothing u said needs quotations, even in a non-formal setting
Yo attributes is still broken I can’t progress my player after a certain point. This sucks
Does anyone know when there going to fix the problem
yup My Fsfb velocity is stucked at 37 too. need to fix
Not sure why everyone is saying 2 way CAPS are broken this year I am a diamond CP/Catcher and played every game and my overall is 74. I know they made the grind harder for when you get to gold and Diamond but good lord my position player and starting pitcher were 74 overall by the time I got to the silver program
robjforman, they are talking about training progress on pitches. It is not moving over a certain level. One training session will get you to the end of 37 almost at 38 on velo. The next session will start over at the beginning of 37 even though there is no way to lose velo progress in a game.
So the attributes problem is still not fix
nope. That patch or whatever on Friday changed nothing. My attributes are still capped and not progressing past 37 on velocity of any pitches. used a new build and it still stopped progressing at 37.
@Tandil1368 said in Increasing attributes broken?:
I am playing as a closing pitcher in season 3 (2025) still in AAA and my 4 seem fastball will not go over 92MPH. I can not get my overall past 72 no matter what I do. With all previous games all the way back to 2007 I would have been in high 80s are Vet difficulty if not the 90's by this time.
All? It sounds like you haven't been changing your perks or skill set past bronze. It's the same system as the past two years. Bronze/silver/gold/diamond perks and skill set. Those alone should up your overall 12-20 points
All? It sounds like you haven't been changing your perks or skill set past bronze. It's the same system as the past two years. Bronze/silver/gold/diamond perks and skill set. Those alone should up your overall 12-20 points
I had all 4 perks available, I change them often. I deleted that player and created another, this one has advanced.
Anyone know why the attributes won’t go past a certain point, not talking the 50, but I’ve been stuck on 39 for my fastball velocity for 2 seasons now. It tells my im progression and it keeps going down.
Its broken its been broken since launch. Not sure if its for everyone but def happening to a lot of people
My attributes aren't going down, but they're slow as hell to increase. It'll be til '24 comes out before my guy is in the 80s for ratings, even with all diamond perks. It's almost unplayable at this point.
Agreed. I finished the diamond program for every player type in RTTS. Got the best diamond equipment in every slot. Best perks. I honestly don’t think I could play a 20 year career and get my attributes where I want to. Kind of takes the joy and motivation out of it.
@kingmotor82 said in Increasing attributes broken?:
Agreed. I finished the diamond program for every player type in RTTS. Got the best diamond equipment in every slot. Best perks. I honestly don’t think I could play a 20 year career and get my attributes where I want to. Kind of takes the joy and motivation out of it.
RTTS is the only thing I play. I'm going to stop until it's fixed because it's way too frustrating and time consuming.