"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
@MikeyBroz23 said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
Yep I hav had to quit a few times for freeze offs. Cool down was an hour last time so won’t be quitting again anytime soon
Yea this is what I am worried about. Like I said it is a good add to stop people who are true quitters, but they cant expect me to sit in a freeze off for what could be a day long and not quit. If they are going to penalize quits make sure the game works first
I dont understand why there neds to be a quit penalty.... I get why in games where you have teammates but not a single players game. If Im getting waxed I shouldnt have to sit through an hour long game. Espcially with how obnoxious some people play.
Agreed. I was getting hammered by someone early yesterday and quit but I didn't realize it was taboo. They still got points for the win and their stats/xp I assume so why should it be a major deal every once in a while?
@Finn_Scotus said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
Agreed. I was getting hammered by someone early yesterday and quit but I didn't realize it was taboo. They still got points for the win and their stats/xp I assume so why should it be a major deal every once in a while?
From my perspective, I think it is more than the win. I would prefer to have a homerun derby off whoever I am facing and get a bunch of Ks to get more XP. Also lots of people who do program missions in games and need xp and/or innings. I am usually expecting to go 9 innings so it can be frustrating when people quit, especially if its multiple games in a row. With that being said, I would rather quitting be allowed than to get penalized for freeze offs
@Pennstatefencer said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@tmichae10 said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@BRETTSANT05 said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
5 minutes isn't long because that was the first one I ever received. It goes up from there, so if it happens multiple times it will eventually be a long wait
I believe in a stream they said it would compound for chronic quitters. Don’t recall the particulars if that was “quitting x games in a y period”, but don’t think it was for “cumulative sum of quits”.
I missed that part of the stream. Is there a cool down for regular quits (from the game menu) or just dashboarding?
Unfortunately OP wasn't in a position to quit using the menu but basically if you quit on your own you get penalized, but if you quit via the menu as a team you don't get penalized.
@BRETTSANT05 said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@Finn_Scotus said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
Agreed. I was getting hammered by someone early yesterday and quit but I didn't realize it was taboo. They still got points for the win and their stats/xp I assume so why should it be a major deal every once in a while?
From my perspective, I think it is more than the win. I would prefer to have a homerun derby off whoever I am facing and get a bunch of Ks to get more XP. Also lots of people who do program missions in games and need xp and/or innings. I am usually expecting to go 9 innings so it can be frustrating when people quit, especially if its multiple games in a row. With that being said, I would rather quitting be allowed than to get penalized for freeze offs
I think that's the reason for the Ranked Seasons Program... to incentive people to play til the end... I've only played two Events games so I have limited experience this year with H2H but I'd imagine players would want to see games through although I get why some would quit because sometimes your emotions get the better of you and you just don't want to play anymore... hopefully situations such as the one OP was in don't happen often this year as so far I haven't seen a lot of this or not being able to get online being reported... atleast not on social media as I wasn't on the forums during Early Access.
@SPlDER2-YBANANA said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
I dont understand why there neds to be a quit penalty.... I get why in games where you have teammates but not a single players game. If Im getting waxed I shouldnt have to sit through an hour long game. Espcially with how obnoxious some people play.
This. I am still on the 20 version. There is a guy I have played about 8 times in the forever event. Every game he struck me out all 9 times and mashed a ton of homers.
Now every time I get him as my opponent I quit before the first pitch because I am not going to let some guy spend an hour getting free batting practice and pad his stats while my stats go even further into the negative.
Perhaps let the AI take over if the other player quits. Your stats all still count towards programs and the other person doesn't have to take a big pounding.
Also perhaps doubling of all stats towards programs if your game ended on a quit.
sorry i am sure i am the old guy on the other side of this but if you quit for anyreason the ban should start at 24 hours and if you do it more than 3 times it should be a ban for the rest of the season. Also this should stop u from using the ah also so u cant just farm coins . the bs reason of this guy is to good so i quit untill i find some one who sucks worse than me so i can beat up on them is one of the bigest problems in all online games
I was thinking that perhaps SDS could incorporate the slaughter rule? You get down say by 10 runs and the game is automatically ended? The "get gud" crowd could get their oh so precious stats, and those of us in the bottom of the barrel don't have to get mashed into oblivion.
That would be helpful. I'm even fine with it being 15 runs or something. I don't mind losing by a few, or even a lot over 9 innings, but being destroyed by someone in the first 3 innings makes playing unfun and pointless.
I'm not wasting my next hour or so giving up 8 runs an inning for anyone's enjoyment. -
@Finn_Scotus said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
That would be helpful. I'm even fine with it being 15 runs or something. I don't mind losing by a few, or even a lot over 9 innings, but being destroyed by someone in the first 3 innings makes playing unfun and pointless.
I'm not wasting my next hour or so giving up 8 runs an inning for anyone's enjoyment.Yea I wouldn't hate some kind of mercy rule. I think quitting is fine in event games or BR that is only 3 innings, but it can be annoying when I sit down to play 9 and 3 games in a row people quit after 2 innings so I think ranked should have a penalty. Either way a run rule could be smart
Try turning your controller off and on again when frozen. It’s worked for me almost every time.
@BJDUBBYAH said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
Try turning your controller off and on again when frozen. It’s worked for me almost every time.
That is an interesting solution, I will definitely have to give that a try. Have you tried that in co op as well? If so did just one person do it or everyone
@BRETTSANT05 said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@BJDUBBYAH said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
Try turning your controller off and on again when frozen. It’s worked for me almost every time.
That is an interesting solution, I will definitely have to give that a try. Have you tried that in co op as well? If so did just one person do it or everyone
I’ve only played CO-OP in the tech test and I don’t recall any freeze offs.
@TheGoaler said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
5 minutes is not a long time.
A 24 hour cooldown would be crazy.It increases my internet acted weird for a second on Saturday and I was in coop games with my friend(he was at my house) he kept getting kicked happened three times until I reset my router
After the 3rd time he got kicked- the cool down period was 30mins
Obviously most people are not going to wait out freeze offs so they have to fix it ( lol on that) or remove the cool down .
This could all be solved if we could co op vs the computer or friends. I know amazing thought.
@mookieparlaybetts said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@TheGoaler said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
5 minutes is not a long time.
A 24 hour cooldown would be crazy.It increases my internet acted weird for a second on Saturday and I was in coop games with my friend(he was at my house) he kept getting kicked happened three times until I reset my router
After the 3rd time he got kicked- the cool down period was 30mins
Yea that is annoying. And sometimes it's not even your fault or your own internet, the internet of your opponents could be a problem and we just wouldnt know. I think 2k had a feature where if someone's internet was unplayable or causing freezing there would be a timer that would count them out if it didn't reconnect. Idk, they just gotta figure something so we can work around freeze offs
@SPlDER2-YBANANA said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
I dont understand why there neds to be a quit penalty.... I get why in games where you have teammates but not a single players game. If Im getting waxed I shouldnt have to sit through an hour long game. Espcially with how obnoxious some people play.
There’s a mercy rule. If you aren’t down by 10 then keep trying . If you wanna leave that bad then throw some pitches dead center and hope your opponent goes up 10
I think SDS has the right idea, It’s just not perfected yet. If I was a dev instead of issuing a cool down penalty what I would do is make it that if you quit - You get ZERO XP from that game & your opponent gets whatever the average XP is for a full game win. I think this would be more fair especially when it’s an instance of a freeze off.