Stadium Walkup Calls
2K interactive gained a lot of attention and finally pushed to get all team's PA announcers in their NBA, and they all delivered, leading to billions of dollars in sales starting in 2k22, the first release with all the PA guys. I bet this game would sell much more if the Developers contacted the Teams asking if the PA announcers would do home or local studio recording segments and send them all to you.
Imagine Nationals fans hearing that Jerome Huruska will be calling the players at Nats Park In-Game Just Like IRL and Also The World Champion Astros Fans hearing Bob Ford call the players at Minute Maid
and of course, all the other team's fans having the same experience with there teams.So Developers, Why not make the Push Again 2k is already doing it why not do the same here and get your sales to boom much higher?
And Players Push and Upvote this with your comments so this will be a thing for 23 The Show