Headliners bad luck
I have gotten through 18 of the headliner packs in the new program, not one headliner. I have pulled 3 low diamond luive series, but no headliners. Anyone else as unlucky as me?
That’s why I’m not excited about the program. I hardly ever pull a headliner.
I didn't pull a diamond player until I got to set 31 and I got Smoltz.
The regular headliner packs are so trash. If you are going to pull a diamond from them it should automatically be that headliner not some 85 diamond that everyone has by now. I hope they change those packs up for next year. I wonder if anyone actually buys them when they are in the shop. The choice ones are fine no problem with those.
@roosr said in Headliners bad luck:
The regular headliner packs are so trash. If you are going to pull a diamond from them it should automatically be that headliner not some 85 diamond that everyone has by now. I hope they change those packs up for next year. I wonder if anyone actually buys them when they are in the shop. The choice ones are fine no problem with those.
I believe that's why they've been nicknamed "Flat-liner" packs. I don't know who came up with that originally, but it's brilliant.
@roosr said in Headliners bad luck:
The regular headliner packs are so trash. If you are going to pull a diamond from them it should automatically be that headliner not some 85 diamond that everyone has by now. I hope they change those packs up for next year. I wonder if anyone actually buys them when they are in the shop. The choice ones are fine no problem with those.
I buy the ones when there is a Braves player in them.
All silvers for me. Except for the gold you get in the pack with the unis.
@BiigD008 said in Headliners bad luck:
@roosr said in Headliners bad luck:
The regular headliner packs are so trash. If you are going to pull a diamond from them it should automatically be that headliner not some 85 diamond that everyone has by now. I hope they change those packs up for next year. I wonder if anyone actually buys them when they are in the shop. The choice ones are fine no problem with those.
I buy the ones when there is a Braves player in them.
Funny that the one and only I got so far from the first 29 was a Brave...John Smoltz.
When I look at it like "How many useless cards can I get from these", it becomes more exciting. I view useless as FA cards. Well, let's say I'm stoked as after hitting pack 34, I'm up to 73 FA with 22 of those being of the Silver variety, and with 14 of those being the guaranteed Silver. Now I only have to exchange those 22 Silver FA to get 1 or 2 Golds, right? So I did. Wanna guess what I got? Yep, FA Gold Keirmaier and Strasburg. Meh, it's free stubs.
Packs are what they are - the FA pool makes packs infinitely worse.
Packs are rigged.
This program just proved to me why I should never buy headliners again. Out of the 50 headliner packs in the program I did not pull a single headliner. The odds on that had to be astronomical, but that is my headliner luck. I think I only hit on one of the choice packs. Other than that it was gold rounds.
I got through the whole program and the only diamonds I pulled were the guaranteed Diamond packs which really blows.
Time for another statistics class??? How many times do we need to hold this class in this forum every year on how pack odds work? What part of each pack opening is a separate and independent event which has no impact on opening of a different pack? Pack odds and the probability of packing a specific headliner or any other specific card or any specific rated diamond truly is a simple math concept! I don't understand why so many people continue to expect different results when the math specifically tells them they have a low probability to pull whatever it is they were expecting.
I pulled a lot of diamonds, Morneau, Davis and Walker headliners but the choice packs were all gold
@Blind_Bleeder said in Headliners bad luck:
@roosr said in Headliners bad luck:
The regular headliner packs are so trash. If you are going to pull a diamond from them it should automatically be that headliner not some 85 diamond that everyone has by now. I hope they change those packs up for next year. I wonder if anyone actually buys them when they are in the shop. The choice ones are fine no problem with those.
I believe that's why they've been nicknamed "Flat-liner" packs. I don't know who came up with that originally, but it's brilliant.
I did, lol and i still have horrific luck.
4 choice packs and all Gold.
Only one I pulled was Lofton. These are stupid packs. -
Yeah the regular packs stink. However, the choice packs are the most frustrating. You are hoping for something good and you get 3 gold 80s as your choices.
No headliners here either except for the guaranteed ones
Only headliner I've pulled from a pack was Trevor Hoffman, and that was way before this program started.
@dap1234567890 said in Headliners bad luck:
Time for another statistics class??? How many times do we need to hold this class in this forum every year on how pack odds work? What part of each pack opening is a separate and independent event which has no impact on opening of a different pack? Pack odds and the probability of packing a specific headliner or any other specific card or any specific rated diamond truly is a simple math concept! I don't understand why so many people continue to expect different results when the math specifically tells them they have a low probability to pull whatever it is they were expecting.
I don't think the complaint is so much with the chances of pulling a Headliner as it is that this is the Headliners Program, and we aren't getting Headliners. It would have been nice if there were actual Headliner cards in the reward path, and not just regular packs.
Yes, we are guaranteed three Headliners in the program at steps 26, 42, and 53, but this program is dedicated to Headliners, so we should get more than three of them.
That's how I see it, anyway. I have a total of twenty-three headliners, twenty of which I have purchased. It's pointless to buy the packs because, more often than not, they are no different than The Show packs and this program magnifies that point.