Pitching is still horribly broken....and directional hitting?
Pitching is so bad right now. When you have diamond pitchers that get a perfect and then miss their spot by a foot or more something is really really wrong. It has never been this broken in any show that I can remember. Because of this it brings back the people that in previous iterations of the show would not be able to hit. They just sit and wait for the ones that come over the middle and boom. It is ridiculous. And how is directional hitting this year? I am tempted to use it until they fix the hitting that they broke.
“The ones that come over the middle”....and the game forces those to happen no matter what you do.
May as well play on directional and wait for those hangers....literally no skill needed, just sit and wait for the game to force your opponents pitches perfectly for you to hit.
I wonder why this hasn’t been fixed yet? Could it be intentionally designed to be this way to help players hit? Hmmmm.......
I still couldn’t hit those hangers right now because my TV is not fast enough.
I’m not even joking. -