Currently in a freeze off
Okay, I’ll set the scene. I’m 4-0 in BR so not really a big deal if I lose. I match up with some guy named jrcuck99. He’s not good based on his ranked record and he’s starting a tired Brandon Woodruff (I’m thinking this is a winnable game.) First pitch nails Schwarber. Second pitch sails to the backstop, I get two bases on the play. Next pitch, triple with Sheffield. All of a sudden we’re in a freeze-off. Seems a little fishy. Also I have a feeling a guy named jrcuck99 would be the type to know how to steal a win via freeze-off. Should I leave? I’ll probably lose but I don’t think I care too much. Usually I just concede in freeze-offs. How long do you have to wait if you want to win a freeze-off?
Usually in a freeze off my PS4 sounds like a jet engine. I get scared and just take the L
I'm a pretty stubborn person, so I just let it ride and do something else. It's usually 20 minutes or so but I remember once in 17, I had one go until I turned the TV back on the next day. If I'm losing by a fair amount, I usually just concede and take the L.
Just happened to me in CS went for a dump and came back and he had quit. Last night also happened and I just shut my monitor off and called in a night. Both time I was up so I wasn't keen on taking the L
You should wait atleast 2 days.