Pack odds
This is a PSA to everyone because a lot of people seem to say things like this. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but to help. This isn’t how odds or probability works. When it says 1:50, that doesn’t mean in 50 packs you’re guaranteed a diamond. It means each individual pack you have a 1:50 shot. Let’s say you have a bundle of 50 packs. On pack one, you have a 1:50 chance at a diamond. Then when you open pack two, those same odds repeat and you have a 1:50 chance at a diamond.
Think of rolling a die. You roll once and you have a 1:6 chance to roll a 6. You roll a 3. You roll the die a second time, it doesn’t then become a 1:5 chance, it’s still 1:6. When you open one pack in a bundle of 50, it doesn’t change the odds for future packs. You could roll 1 die 150 times and never roll a 6. Just like you could open 150 packs and never pull a diamond. It’s completely random. (Unless you buy stubs in which I’m convinced that increases your pack odds
@Tachanka-Peed said in Pack odds:
1:50 packs per diamond. Is that right?
Or course not. 150 packs later, still no diamonds. Does anyone else have this bad of luck?Bro, take it from me. Avoid packs. I made the same mistake earlier this year
@Tachanka-Peed said in Pack odds:
1:50 packs per diamond. Is that right?
Or course not. 150 packs later, still no diamonds. Does anyone else have this bad of luck?tons of bad luck over here don't even get me started mate - very happy to see ppl pull great cards, my luck is literally non existent - 0/5 headliner packs / not even a gold on a 20 pack / no gold on a 10 pack / joke joke joke joke joke joke
2% chance of a diamond but a 95% chance to get 3 or 4 FA in said pack. Got 3 TA packs a bit ago. 11 of 12 cards were FA.
I just got trout from buying 1 pack lmaoooio
I’m in the same boat
@Tachanka-Peed said in Pack odds:
1:50 packs per diamond. Is that right?
Or course not. 150 packs later, still no diamonds. Does anyone else have this bad of luck?dont do it kid, easilly over 500 or more packs opened with those odds here and i have 3 diamond pulls so far.
@fernando1221 said in Pack odds:
@Tachanka-Peed said in Pack odds:
1:50 packs per diamond. Is that right?
Or course not. 150 packs later, still no diamonds. Does anyone else have this bad of luck?dont do it kid, easilly over 500 or more packs opened with those odds here and i have 3 diamond pulls so far.
whoa thank you good samaritan i dont feel as bad now for real
I'm with ya. 120 or so standard packs and a few Headliners with no diamonds to show. That and some of the changes to the game have completely killed any drive I had for playing DD. Maybe that's what they want though.
The pack odds are a sham.
I've opened 75 packs between Standard/Team Affinity, plus 9 Headliners, and 2 Ballin Is A Habit, and I haven't had a single Diamond pull.
This is getting to be ridiculous, considering the amount of time I've put in.
It’s 1:50 odds single pack. It’s 1:50 per box that means 1:2500 odds on a 50 pack that’s why they throw in the ballin pack
@Tachanka-Peed said in Pack odds:
1:50 packs per diamond. Is that right?
Or course not. 150 packs later, still no diamonds. Does anyone else have this bad of luck?You should talk to the 2 guys on here that claim they pull a Trout about every other day.
@Renz2003 said in Pack odds:
It’s 1:50 odds single pack. It’s 1:50 per box that means 1:2500 odds on a 50 pack that’s why they throw in the ballin pack
What you talking about Willis?
@Renz2003 said in Pack odds:
It’s 1:50 odds single pack. It’s 1:50 per box that means 1:2500 odds on a 50 pack that’s why they throw in the ballin pack
Night one of the early release my friend pulled Strasburg and Bellinger. Days later he pulled Cole, and has since pulled DeGrom. Explain that BS luck.
What are the odds you get a diamond out of a gold player pack