Can’t hit today
So I went to bed crushing HRS and racking up xp for my players in diamond dynasty. I woke up and can’t even get a base hit! What’s going on here? One might call me sweaty, even a try hard. Some may say I’m lazy, or that I need to “touch grass.” Heck, they may be as bold as to say I’m fat, or I smell, or maybe I should shower. While that all may be true, a “perfect perfect”home run to the 3rd deck yesterday shouldn’t be fly outs today. Something stinks! I guess I will put on some deodorant, but, one thing is certain and that is I am crazy. 🤪
Eat a snickers, maybe you just aren't yourself today.
Ironically, I was playing like [censored] this evening on the conquest map. Quit halfway through.
I knew better to even attempt the showdown this evening.
It’s scripted of course
All it takes is a walk off home run and get dashboard. Problem solved