Scary moment in LLWS turns awesome
There are a lot of ways to respond when something bad happens, but after this LL player gets beaned in the head, he walks over to the pitcher, who is clearly upset, and consoles him.
One of those great moments in baseball.
They cut that quite a bit. The pitcher was in tears on the mound for a little bit before the runner came to see him. The other players on the team and the coach just let him cry on the mound.
The kid that got hit, Isiah something, forget his last name deserves all the accolades he will get and so much more. Shows the good heart that the pitcher has too being that messed up. They both deserve loads of credit and I hope that their parents and them are very proud of what happened.
I just keep seeing this coach who let his pitcher sit there with all of that and didn't think to go see his pitcher until the player came over.
Great story though, something bad into something great
Thanks for filling in the details. I missed this game and when I saw it on Twitter, it touched me.
I don't understand why the coach let the pitcher go through that. He should have been out there the moment he saw that his pitcher was upset. I haven't coached LL in some 20 years and coaches in my day would have been out there pronto.
Thank you again.
My favorite scene from Bad News Bears was when the coach of the Yankees smacked his son for throwing at a player. Kids are soft these days.
Kidding, it was a nice moment in the LLWS.