Need Tips
Honestly hitting just seems very difficult, especially timing and the PCI. Apparently I can never time it right and place the PCI right because I am either late or get "ok" contact. Just looking for tips and suggestions as I play quite a bit and just want to be less frustrated, especially in online gameplay.
Try going into Practice on legend or hof and focus only on the pitchers throwing hand from wind up to release. Got that tip from someone and it helped me alot.
@djohnson1010 said in Need Tips:
Honestly hitting just seems very difficult, especially timing and the PCI. Apparently I can never time it right and place the PCI right because I am either late or get "ok" contact. Just looking for tips and suggestions as I play quite a bit and just want to be less frustrated, especially in online gameplay.
This is my honest opinion my friend. ...I was going through the same just like you for 2 weeks. It's not the camera angles or anything. ....Change to pure analog like the pros with zone. Get back to me in a few days. Thank me then. Best of luck
@falconman71 i’m going to try your advice bc I’m more late then I should be. I’m on game mode @40 ms. It’s been frustrating. I’m spot on HOF & Legend offline but just not getting results online
I'm not a great online player/hitter. I was having a huge issue with good timing but getting chopped or popped and okay contacts But I had a good day yesterday doing this. Pre pitch, unless I'm sitting dead red or looking for something specific, I'll slightly hold up on the PCI and focus on following the pitchers wind up and picking up the ball ASAP. Not even looking at the PCI, I'll try to read right away if the pitch is high, low, or middle and start moving the PCI up, down or keep it centered. If I'm going to swing at the pitch I'll try to then move the pci to the exact location, (hopefully with already being in the vicinity) I.E. side to side. right before pressing the swing button. Also, players tendencies are huge. Take the first two pitches from a live player your first inning no matter what. Chances are you are going to be able to identify their "Go To" pitch and location they like to pitch to. You'll have a great chance to perfect perfect them early on sitting on what they deem their sweet spot.
Cool! Best of luck to ya pals!
I switched to turning the PCI off completely while still using zone. It eliminates the distraction of trying to place the PCI perfectly. Results have been mixed so far, but I do put more balls in play and feel like I can track pitches much better. I'm not a great hitter at all, but I feel like this is the most real baseball like approach.