SDS keep trying to make the game a Simulation, forget about what DD players complain about.
Keep up the good work SDS, the hitting mechanics this year is the best it has ever been...I would personalty like the pitch speeds to be slightly faster, like it was in 2019 on Legend but I know you gatta tone it down for hot pocket eating guys. I feel there is a small percentage of us that would like a higher level above Legend cause more people are playing on monitors these days instead of TVs and we have much better input lag, basically I don't want the game to become too easy for guys like us. And to get at those DD players, yes, I know they provide the most income for you guys and they are casuals and just terrible at the game and its good to cater to them cause they put money in your pocket but you gotta consider the actual baseball guys that play this game. Just put a little more effort into Franchise, just an itsey bitsey bit more but keep developing the actually game-play and hitting mechanics cause its gorgeous this year.