Why don’t teams LOSE any of their fans when reinforcing surrounding territories? When I attack/move from one territory to the next, my fans are subtracted for each move (until a reinforce stage), same with my strongholds, when I attack from them, my stronghold remains unprotected with only 1M fans remaining… why can other computer teams magically reinforce territories WITHOUT losing any of their fans from their strongholds? Just a curious question, but one that becomes frustrating when you’re trying to jam through a conquest map!
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten frustrated on a conquest map but hang in there guy.
The CPU loses fans on strongholds, they just don’t move all of them, something we can’t do.
Doesn't the CPU get reinforcements every round just like the player? Thus they could reinforce surrounding areas without moving anyone from their stronghold.
@dolenz_psn said in CONQUEST:
Doesn't the CPU get reinforcements every round just like the player? Thus they could reinforce surrounding areas without moving anyone from their stronghold.
Yes; I meant on the first turn.