PS4 Unable to Update for latest patch CE-40851-8
EDIT- Self Resolved.
Anybody else having issues with this error when trying to update a PS4 since the last patch?
http status code : 403
CE-40851-8Typically this occurs when the server side being pinged for an update, experiences unusual traffic.
I've uninstalled, reinstalled, changed internet from wired to wifi etc. Tried during different hours as well. Still no luck.
All other games run fine, update fine etc.
Previously I've had this before but can't recall if it's really just a Sony server side issue due to traffic or if it was something else. I'm going to bring it to another household and try over a different connection.
Any help from others that have recently had this issue, would be greatly appreciated.
I'm playing fine on my PS5 from home, but would like to get back in on the PS4 as well. This problem only started with the last patch.
Thank you.
Bumping for others that might also have the same issue.
Restart all your network devices, or completely changing your network will usually resolve the issue.
I'm patching now on my home network. I can guarantee that this error is because of the network not cooperating with Data released within the patch.
Changing networks or rebooting all network devices, does the trick.