Why good attempts at stadiums are made so badly
I think it is great when people try to create awesome or old time stadiums. What I am not understanding is why it is increasingly becoming commonplace for creators to just sloppily slap "stands" at angles over each other, creating spots where two people (hundreds of cases of it) are literally mutant human creatures.
I know the creator has some down things as far as truly created. Would be nice to be able to sculpt stands. We cannot, but I can't believe some of this ridiculousness I see.
As an example, someone started old time Yankee Stadium (1923..."The House That Ruth Built") and in the RF upper decks just chose straight stands and overlapped them at corners, creating triangles of double mutant fans. Took me about 5-10 minutes of using angled stands, meshing where I could, overlapping over walkways, using some straight stands, and I had virtually the same thing and no humans were in the same seats. My angle was further our, less sharp. I don't like that, but you can instantly tell where stands overlap because it just looks 'wrong' from above.
I am not trying to shoot this particular person down. I admire them for trying to build "The House" (LOVE those dimensions), but I am seeing it more and more, way worse than last year, of people just slapping stands over each other and not thinking a thing of it.
I just don't get it.
I brought something like this on Operation Sports once about rosters, saying I though someone putting Strawberry as "Starnsburry" (or whatever it was) was just silly and a waste of time. I would rather hear "Now Batting...Number Eighteen" then a name that clearly is wrong.
Of course, the almighty Gods of moderators over there ended up banning me because of that thread. I was not insulting, I was wondering if others found it as ridiculous as I did. They guy told me it was clear all I was trying to do was insult the roster creator, so therefore I am banned. Those guys over there are such idiots.