Not getting any credit for games
I've played 10 co.op games, I do not get any record, player stats, xp, nothing , we have won 9 of these games. Nothing shows up for any of them. Then just my opinion, we should get 4 position players in 2 player co op, not just 3. Second we get the same computer generated players added to our team every game, mahomes, mondesi, etc... , why. Lastly, cannot use our created players either, seems like a lot needs fixed in co.op. I am happy they finally added it, just needs to fix all the bugs.
I am the same way. My buddy and I are 4-0 with the 2v2 coop and nothing shows up. No stats, no leaderboards, nothing. It's unfortunate because that is something they should manage like DD or normal online
To make sure the mode was working right they didn’t put any competition in the mode so no record and little xp and the pxp and the stats is either intentional or a big because it would be weird if another player could impact your batting average