CPU pitching
So I’ve been playing a bit of Conquest and I like to play most games on veteran to make it relaxed and easier to gain XP for player missions, etc. But I’ve noticed something within the last week or so that is interesting. Pitchers literally give me nothing to hit on VETERAN. Like common pitchers, not diamonds or golds or silvers…commons. I have to be insanely selective at all times and it’s not unusual to be walked 3 times in an inning. And when I do finally hit it hard after being patient, it’s just a line out or a 106mph double play. Really difficult to scores runs or gain much XP consistently, and it seems to be this way purposefully. Anyone else noticing this?
I actually have noticed this. My issue is...80% of pitches thrown to me by the CPU are below the knees, with about 50% at the ankles and lower. I have been resigned to just setting my PCI at the bottom of the zone and waiting for the sinker. And this isn't just this year, this is for about the past 3 years now. It's like the CPU knows over the years that's my Achilles heel, the pitch below the knees, and for the past 3 years that's most of what they throw me. But then, I highly, highly doubt there is some sort of intrinsic AI built into this game that teaches every pitcher to work me below the knees, so to speak. But to your point, yes. I rarely get solid pitches to hit in Veteran.
It is like playing a extra inning team from last season on rookie. The pitcher is dotting corners and throwing strikes not down the middle like last year. It will make us better at the game when we play online humans but it sucks for trying to grind PXP which is what they have gone to this year, Looks to me like a way to slow everyone down without having to make as much content.
Rookie is honestly even worse then veteran! Played a few on rookie because I figured I'd be able to cheese some easy pxp. Had to bump it back up to veteran just to see a strike. And yeah seems like I'm getting out on squared up pitches way too often on both difficulties.
Because of the two new skill levels added Veteran is the new All-star and Rookie is the new Veteran. Minors is the new rookie