Don't create more than one RTTS player. It's broken!!
Created a second RTTS player to field in a different position. Played it for a bit. Went back to my original player (almost 2 seasons in, every game played none simulated) so I loaded the file with my original player.
When i got into the changing room screen I noticed he looked like, and still has the same name as my newer player.
Checked the saves and the new save had overwritten my original in terms of appearance and the equipment I'd won. It also lowered all my stats I'd earned back to base value.I had not over written a save or loaded the wrong save. The game botched this up.
I've still got my attribute cards (or whatever they are called)
Did it again as an experiment to see whether I had accidently messed up and loaded the wrong save or whatever, same thing happened again. Multiple RTTS players is very messed up -
The new system is a bit confusing, but it's not bugged.
We have ballplayers and career files. Each ballplayer has its name, attributes, loadouts. To change your current ballplayer, from the main menu, go to your profile (top-left), then MANAGE and select a different ballplayer.
Each career in a save file has the games, the stats, awards, etc. To load a specific career file, go to RTTS but don't click on it. Click the button for MORE OPTIONS (X on XBox) then choose LOAD and pick a career file. When you pick the save file, ignore the player name, as this is whoever played last in that career file. I use the date, since I know how far I played each career.As long as they are position compatible, you can load any career with any ballplayer.
I hear that but my position has been switched to the new player and no matter what I do when I go into DD, my player takes on the newer profile everytime
I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say "my position has been switched".
I have several ballplayers, and I can select any of them from the main menu. When I go into Diamond Dynasty, I can add this ballplayer into my team.
If I choose a different ballplayer as ACTIVE, then this is the only one I can put into my DD team, and the previous one can no longer be selected.So, you need to first select which ballplayer you want in DD, then go into DD mode and build your team. Should you ever change your active ballplayer, expect your DD team to have automatically changed to exclude the inactive ballplayer.