Will this be in RTTS for 2022?
I was wondering if we will be able to choose our player's position before the draft in the 2022 version. Also, will we be able to go to college before joining a team? And if so, if we go to college will we still be able to choose a specific team or league?
I'm concerned that the bare minimum was thrown at RTTS / Ballplayer this year. There are a number of things they need to do to revamp this and make it more interesting, which include improvements to presentation, storyline/narrative, training mini games, make your decisions mean something, improving your default screen in the locker room and a TOTAL adjustment to the XP structure if the archetypes are going to continue to be used in MLB22.
To expand on that last point, I was playing RTTS last night in 21' just to see how far I could get. There needs to be an XP system for RTTS that gets applied to the progression of the archetypes and not just stat milestones. It would be ideal that every HR, double, walk, etc. would represent a certain number of XP. You could even have it that you get more/less XP for each of those sort of stats depending on the type of archetype you have. Otherwise it just takes too long to level up your player in just RTTS mode alone, it makes more sense to just use your guy in DD offline.
I may be one of the few players who doesn't mind the grind and doesn't want to hurry my player into the majors. I just miss some of the things that used to be in the game, such as spending time in college to improve my stats. It loses some reality to be 18 or 19 and playing in the major leagues. And as someone else posted elsewhere, why does my player, no matter my stats, always start off batting third. Manager AI needs some adjusting.
The mode needs to be taken offline. Or at least give us the option of playing completely offline and still getting progress saved. Last year really hurt the mode and I hope they make some serious changes this year.