Suggestion: A Franchise/MTO hybrid with high leverage plays
I'd like some community feedback on an adaptation to Franchise mode I just thought of that could potentially draw some additional users to the mode.
If MTO is the shortcut to completing a season that Franchise players didn't want, perhaps this is an alternative that time-poor or pro-sim Franchise players may be interested in, to keep the mode relevant to existing and possibly even new Franchise users.
It’s based around the Leverage Index (LI), which (sorry to fansplain) the game uses to determine critical situations (eg if you look at game logs, red and orange text indicate high leverage situations). An LI of 1.0 is considered a neutral situation.
In Franchise mode there is an option to set Critical Situations to on, and you can sim through a season until a high leverage late innings situation is encountered, and it will tell you the situation and ask you if you want to enter the game. If you choose so, you then play out the rest of the game (or play that situation and can sim the rest if you prefer).
My proposed adaptation is similar, but instead of simming a season until the next critical situation is encountered, it behaves a little like RTTS. You start up each game and after the opening presentation, the game is simmed until the next high leverage play, according to a minimum Leverage Index threshold set by the user, such as 1.5 or 2.0. The reason I am suggesting that the user could set the threshold is that the LI is obviously used in the game so we may as well be able to choose how sensitive it is.
As an example, setting an LI of 2.0 (this is just a guess):
- game sims to bottom of the 3rd: you are up by two runs, pitching with two outs and runners on 2nd and 3rd.
- You make the out so the game then sims to the top of the 7th: scores are tied and you have the go-ahead run at the plate with no outs. First batter strikes out, second walks, third hits a homer so you're up by two runs.
- game then sims to the bottom of the 9th: two outs, bases loaded and you're up by four runs
The simming can occur just like in RTTS where you can press triangle to sim to the next critical situation, square to watch/play the entire game, or nothing to sim in the quick manage screen.
At the end of a game you could choose to either return to the menu or start the next game in the series (just like RTTS).
This would work for people who would enjoy either playing just the intense moments of their Franchise, or simply watching them (ie CPU vs CPU) like MLB.TV’s compressed games.
It could also encourage RTTS players to give the Franchise mode a go as it would be a similar experience, just with a whole team.
Depending on the leverage index threshold set by the player, an average game could be completed in anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes. The mode would also maintain reliable season stats as the majority of plays would be simmed.
Probably the biggest thing this has going for it from a development perspective is that it wouldn’t be a massive amount of work as almost every bit of logic that is required is already in the game, with the exception of allowing the user to set the threshold. Even if it went with a preset threshold of 2.0 without letting the user choose that could be a start.
I'm interested in thoughts on what improvements could be made to the idea to make it more doable.
I would actually love playing MTO if it wasn't the 'win or nothing' aspect.
Especially with server issues.
I'm not knocking your ideas as it would work for some, but there are still plenty of gamers who just want a deep and all inclusive Franchise/Dynasty mode. The problem is we've been marginalized by greed (some would say it's intended) and have lost interest or jumped ship to a sport that's far from our favorite because it has a Franchise mode that is better.