What would you do with 350k stubs?
I pulled a trout out of conquest and sold him. Also pulled lindor, Chapman, and sale.
Sold all of them (along with everything else) and am stockpiling stubs. At about 350k.
NMS (I should clarify that)
Since the mantle collection is relatively out of reach right now. Are the team affinities the best use of stubs? Or should I just sit on them. I’m a competitive player, I can win with golds, so buying diamonds aren’t like my main main need.
Save for better players/collections down the road? Or build a really good team with the players available?
Basically, how long are the players that are “good” right now gonna be relevant and not depreciate too too much?
What kind of shape is your team in currently?
Do affinities to build your base then some stubs to round out the squad and yi8 should be good for a month or so while grinding program stars and XP path
Buy packs for 2 more trouts
One thing no one's mentioned that you might consider is buying all three of the 1st inning bosses to get 75 stars towards the 2nd inning program. Getting those early is usually a nice way to get a good amount of stubs quickly, especially if the bosses are desirable.
I’m NMS and have 315k currently without any diamond pulls. I’m just going to sit on it until prices drop and earn XP rewards to upgrade my team. I do plan to get Mantle as soon as I have the stubs though.
I’ve actually purchased entire collections only to decide to flip them right when I was about to collect.