Online Ranked Pinpoint Pitching Glitch
Don’t know if this only happens with pinpoint pitching or not because it’s the only method I’ve used but more than 50% of my online ranked matchups over the last week or so have had this pitching glitch:
Select where I want to throw the ball, start moving my joystick along the pinpoint pitching path, then there’s either a brief but clearly audible “cancelling” tone or sometimes a digital keypad tone and the game automatically cancels my pinpoint pitching joystick movement and the pitcher immediately goes into his wind-up, giving me no control over the outcome of the selected pitch. Some games, this happens for only a fraction of the pitches, sometimes it’s the majority or nearly all pitches.
Anyone else experience this? Anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions?
it happening to every xbox controller!!!!
So this is exclusively an Xbox glitch?