Twitch packs
General Discussion
How long before you get the packs after you claim them?
I've got like 19 of em and can't seem to find where they are.
It usually takes about 20-30 minutes (after you've claimed them in Twitch) for them to show up. If it's been longer than that, and you don't see them in the game, then make sure you've followed the SDS instructions on linking your account. If you haven't unlinked and relinked your account since Twitch was hacked, you'll need to do that.
Ok, I unlinked all the accounts and still did not receive any packs...
Twitch packs are a wast of time........ Never again will I try to do them again lost 6 packs.. Twitch and ads need to get there act together.....
O my
Just got my twitch packs
Yea -
Nov 14, 2021, 2:01 AM
Nov 16, 2021, 8:35 PM